New book!

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Hey, guys!!

Sorry, this is not an update, but I just wanted to let you guys know that I published the preview / first chapter of my next book that I'll be writing. If you're interested, please check it out!!

I'm really excited for this one, but I'm going to read the comments and such to determine whether people like it or not. It's going to be a tear-jerker, just warning you. And if you don't know what I'm talking about, I sort of explained the plot in the last chapter. If you're too lazy to turn back a page...

It's a Larry AU about Harry living the same day over and over - sort of like that movie Groundhog Day, and as he lives through each day, he learns more about himself, who he wants to be, and about a cute little boy with large blue eyes and a shapely bum.

I encourage you to check it out!!

And as of this book, I'll update soon enough. I'm not giving up on this one yet. Your comments and votes are very lovely! Thanks for the support!

Thanks for your time,

- Sparks <3

The Brother I Never Wanted (Larry AU)Where stories live. Discover now