Chapter 30

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Sorry, ladies and gentlemen for the late update! As you know I was in Mexico last week. It was gorgeous! (But just a little bit sketchy) - above is a picture from our hotel! And I had finals this week for school, so I'm like dying. But I've found little bits of time now and then to work on this! This is the last chapter so I really hope you all have enjoyed this work. If not, sorry not sorry. You probably shouldn't have read this far . . .

Lol. My attempt at smut last chapter was pretty off-putting though, so I apologize for that. It was my first time writing it, and looking back on it it's pretty rushed and . . . well, horrible. But I appreciate all the support I've had through this entire thing! You guys are amazing! Your comments and votes really have made my day whenever I post! I'm so happy to have such a dedicated "fan" base! I'm kind of sad to see this one go. But, oh well. They all have to end at some point.

Feel free to leave comments and vote! This is your last chance! ;)

And don't forget to check out my other book!

I'll say a final thanks,

- Sparks <3


It's long after Harry had fallen into a peaceful slumber, and still Louis cannot quiet his loud brain. Maybe his stepbrother is used to it, but Louis feels energized. He wants to run to a window, open it, and scream that he's finally had sex. His subconscious reminds him to calm the fuck down but he can't fall asleep. The adrenaline in his veins is still pumping.

Harry's snoring quietly into his hair, his newly brushed teeth fanning mint into the air and the hand near his face, cinnamon. Louis doesn't understand how someone could possibly smell like that still even after that. He comes to two conclusions - one, Harry has some cinnamon scented body soap that he's never seen before, or two, his stepbrother is just not human. But he can't really complain because it seems fucking good. To hell if he's an alien. Louis' keeping him.

Harry mumbles something incoherent, his feet shuffling to link their legs under the tangled sheets. Louis can feel his body heat soaking into his limbs, warming him down to his very core, and his heart beat is hot against his back.

He could get used to this.

Yet he still can't fall asleep. Sighing, he gets out of bed, his bare feet padding along quietly on the carpet. He pauses at the rustle coming from the bed, cooing when Harry whimpers and seeks for him in the hills of linen, deeming his pillow him and hugging it back to his chest. His face falls directly back into the pillow like it's far to heavy to even lift it that far. Louis has trouble stifling a giggle.

Louis grabs their soiled clothes off the floor on his way out, his paranoia telling him to throw it in the hamper before their parents wake up and wanders into his room, pulling on a clean pair of one of Harry's old shirts that he stole once. Don't judge him. It smells good, and he's never really been comfortable naked. Especially when he's not alone.

When done, he flicks off the light and goes into the hallway, nearly running into his dad who is posed against the handrail to the stairs. His heart stops so quickly, he knows that there's no doubt he didn't widen his eyes at the sight of him there or feel his lips fall apart. So this is what it's like to get caught.

Louis flushes and hurriedly tries to fix his sex hair, hoping he doesn't actually have any. "Um, hi."

"Why up so late, Lou?"

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