Kill It Before It Reproduces

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"Dad do I have to?" I asked as I shoveled more of the cereal into my mouth. Gross, where did all the marshmallows go? I quickly grabbed the box of Lucky Charms and searched through it for the sugary goodness only to be disappointed by small brown grains staring back up at me. I pouted a little before my dad just rolled his eyes.

"You ate them all last week." He pointed out, and I nodded remembering back to that wonderful time. Whenever we got a box of Lucky Charms I would always sit down, watch The Outsiders, and eat all of the marshmallows.

"Ponyboy was calling me." I shrugged dumping the now soggy cereal into the sink and putting my bowl into the dishwasher.

"Are you sure it wasn't Sodapop? You always took a liking to him." My dad teased, scooping some more cereal into his already full mouth.

"Because Rob Lowe is a babe." I shrugged simply, ignoring the evident mocking behind his voice.

"And yes darling, you have to. Graylan wouldn't have asked for you if he really didn't want you. Maybe he's got a crush on you." My dad said with a wink, wiggling his eyebrows. 

"Oh yea totally Dad. The dying kid obviously has a crush on me." I said not letting him win.

"Ready to go?" He asked and I nodded, grabbing my backpack and following him to his car.

"So how do I go about telling people at school?" I asked as he fumbled with his keys, handing me his coffee to put in the holder. I did as he motioned me to do before he got into his car and finally started the engine. I checked the time and realized even though he had taken longer than normal to get ready, I would still be at least fifteen minutes early. Wonderful.

"I don't think you should for now. Not until you know what Graylan wants to keep secret that is." He stated and I nodded, seeing where he was coming from.

I doubted that the most popular guy in the universe had told people about his cancer. I knew he wasn't going to be at school today, but I knew that he was going to be coming back mid week. At least I had a while to figure things out, and pretend with Carmen that nothing was different.

My dad turned up the music, and I groaned. It was his stupid classic rock that didn't even make sense, especially when he started to sing.

"Don't groan at me." He snapped, shaking his head with sass, "These are classics baby." He smirked as he started belting out the lyrics to a song which I didn't know the title to. 

"Come on Dad! I know you'd rather listen to some good ol' Elvis!" I said trying to turn the station to one that actually played good classic rock.

"Shut up. My car. My station. Get over it." He said actually snapping his fingers in a z-formation this time. 

I just groaned again, leaning my head against the window and putting my ear buds in. 

I'm just a poor boy no body loves me!


Spare him his life from this monstrosityyyyyyyyyy! 

I belted out along with my music, knowing just how bad I sounded. I saw my dad groan in defeat before putting on my radio station. I smirked with victory and put my headphones back in my bag, singing along to the King of Rock.

You ain't nothin' but a hound dog

Crying all the time!

You ain't never caught a rabbit, and you aint no friend of mine.

Badum badum badum I sung while tapping my fingers on the dashboard when the drums came in strong. 

When they said you was high classed 

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