Hay is For Horses

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"Alright that's just fucked up." Carmen said shoving more popcorn into her mouth. 

"Shut up Carmen and enjoy the freaking movie." I spat throwing some twizzlers at her which she gratefully shoved in her mouth.

"Ok no man! She is not going to put the moisterizer on her fucking skin just so you can rip it off and wear it!" She yelled looking away from the scene and plugging her ears.

I looked at Landon who gave me a shrug and slapped Carmen in the back of the head. "Hey what was that for?" She shouted throwing kernals of popcorn at him.

"They don't know he's going to cut their skin off Car!" Landon said and she just let out an 'ohhhhh' before turning her attention back to the film.

As you probably could have guessed (unless you hate horror movies/don't watch the good ones) we are currently watching Silence of the Lambs. It's been mine and Landon's favourite horror movie for as long as we can remember, and we recently found out that Carmen has never seen it. Unfortunately, we wish now that we never turned the freaking thing on because all she does it point out obvious things instead of actually just enjoying the movie.

Landon and Carmen have been sleeping at my house for the past few days since everyone got a week of school. No one exactly knew why, but the principal said changes were going to be made to the school. 

Thankfully this break came just in time with Calum's death. After the pathetic funeral the hospital gave him (I was the only one there other then his parents), I was finally allowed to come to terms with my loss. I was grateful for my friends because they never brought him up unless I did first, and let me cry when I needed to. They constantly distracted me with random facts and movies that I loved, and I was finally starting to realize that Calum is going to be happier now.

No more pain.

"I can't believe we actually have to go back to school tomorrow." I said with a groan, throwing my head onto my pillow. 

"I know! One week wasn't long enough." Landon laughed joining me and making me move over on the pillow.

"Do you think they fired Mrs. Stratford?" Carmen added with a look of distaste as she said the words. Everyone knew that Mrs. Stratford was the devil in a teacher form. She freaking sent a kid home one day for not bringing enough pencils! That chick needed to retire.

"We can only hope." I added before shoving more twizzlers into my mouth.

For a couple days after Calum died, I ate nothing but cookie dough ice cream and wore my fat pants. It was sort of like how any other girl would treat a break up, but they were all being dramatic. I was actually eating my feelings.

The ice cream filled the gaps that Calum used to fill, and made me feel like I was gaining a thousand pounds a day. Thankfully my parents always had the freezers stocked with ice cream in hopes I got a boyfriend one day. As if.

I was the most socially awkward girl that ever existed. I swear guys avoided me at all costs. I stalked them for god sake! From a distance of course, but I still scared myself sometimes.

Landon and Carmen went home for the first time in the entire week once the movie had finished, and I fell asleep after a couple hours of watching Netflix. Tomorrow is going to suck monkey balls.

My alarm sounded at 7:00, and I got up against my will. I slowly trudged over to the shower and turned it on, allowing the water to get hot before pulling out a comfy blue sweater and a pair of leggings.

I couldn't care less how I looked, I just wanted to get this week over with so I could have another weekend of milkshakes and tears.

I climbed into the shower and took a deep breath as the warm water trickled down my spine. It instantly woke me up, and once I was clean I threw my clothes on and ran out to my dad who was waiting with my mom in the car. Weird, they normally didn't ride together.

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