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"Do you have any idea what could have made him change his mind?" My father asked as he took a scoop of his typical yogurt and granola breakfast. He had already asked me this question multiple times, and I gave him the same answer each time. I had no idea. At first I considered it may have been my rant, but then I realized I that I would have no effect on him. He was Graylan Dorlan. He made his own decisions, so I have no idea why he came to this one.

Instead of walking him through what I was currently thinking, I just shrugged and scooped up some more Lucky Charms. I reluctantly swallowed them knowing that if I didn't finish this box, I would never get more and that meant no more marshmallows. "Shouldn't we be happy?" I fumbled out, some of the milk spilling out of my mouth. I felt a blush rose to my cheeks, but I continued anyways. "He's being treated, that's all we could have asked for." I finished saying, nodding my head to let him know that it was the best thing and questioning it would be a waste of time.

"Well, he isn't being treated quite yet." My dad added, putting his newspaper down so he could look at me. Wow since when did I become more important then his sport articles? "He's just considering the different options. Heiscomingheretonighttodiscusstheoptions." He said in one breath, clearly hoping I didn't hear him. My spoon dropped along with my jaw. Graylan Dorlan was coming here? To my house? With my parents? Oh god.

"You know I can still figure out what you're saying even when you say it really fast. I've been trained." I smirked, putting my hands out in a ninja motion. He just rolled his eyes. "I'm not going to be home right after school though. I'm going to Parker's to work on our English assignment." I stated, remembering our study date.

"Just be home by six alright?" He asked and I nodded. 

Carmen and Landon were picking me up today, so I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and ran out of the house; noticing him return to his newspaper when I left. Spoke too soon. 

"Hey guys!" I cheered as I got into the back seat, mentally crushing Landon for taking shotgun. 

"Hey Ice, how are things going with you?" Landon asked as Carmen hummed to the annoying song on the radio. Why didn't my friends have good taste in music?

"Good. Dad and Mom haven't been around recently cause they've been taking the night shift. So other then my lonely nights with pizza and Jake Ryan, things have been pretty good!" I smiled in memory of Jake Ryan. Every girl's dream man.

"Jake Ryan is ugly!" Landon shouted getting a slap on the back of the head from me.

"He was sweet!" I yelled, crossing my arms over my chest in disgust whilst sticking my tongue out at him through the mirror. 

"I wish I knew what you guys were talking about." Carmen added, clearly annoyed. Landon and I both turned to her with shock in our expressions.

"It's not our fault you haven't seen the best movie ever!" Landon shouted, slapping Carmen's arm playfully getting a glare from her.

"Jake Ryan isn't in The Breakfast Club." I smirked getting a well deserved eye roll from Landon.

"Sixteen Candles is way better than the Breakfast Club you silly muggle!" He yelled in a British accent.

"I'm sorry Harry, but not everyone can be a wizard like you!" I laughed, dramatically throwing the back of my palm to my forehead. 

"You guys are weird." Carmen commented, getting dirty looks from the pair of us.

"Don't be such a Debby Downer." Landon and I said at the same time, fist bumping at our clear telepathy.

She just rolled her eyes and belted out the song that was currently playing, knowing very well that it would annoy me to no end. 

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