The Little Bird and The Bumble Bee

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My whole body ached. It wasn't one of those bad aches, but one that only reminded me of what happened last night. I smiled at the memory as it all came flooding back to me. I never wanted to wake up. 

"When are your parents getting home?" He whispered against my mouth as he shoved me further into the bed and holding my body unbelievably close against his. 

"Tomorrow." I murmured, yanking his shirt over his head and running my fingers along his now bare chest. I smirked at his chiseled arms as my fingers grazed them and I felt him tense at the touch, his eyes darkening as he looked over my body. I felt instantly self conscience, but pushed the thought aside. Everything about this moment was right. It was perfect. 

"Good." He smiled before his rough lips smashed against mine again. I couldn't help but groan as his tongue entered my mouth and started fiddling with the buckle on his pants. He let out a deep, sexy growl as he ran his hands up my shirt, the contact sending shivers through my body as he pulled my shirt over my head. 

Just as I was about to get his pants off he pulled away, but not too far. It was unbearable that he was making me wait so long. I needed him; now. "Are you sure?" He asked, his eyes softening as they looked over my almost naked figure. "I want you to be sure." He told me, a small smile tugging at the side of his beautiful lips.

"I've never been so sure." I whispered, pulling him back to me and giving myself to him entirely. 

I finally made the decision to open my eyes and looked up to see a sleeping Graylan. He looked so peaceful when he slept, and I just wish I could look at him forever. I slowly moved closer to him, needing his warmth as I pulled to blankets over us. Sometime in the night I'm guessing he had put his shirt on me and I almost chuckled at the cliché but didn't want to wake him. 

"I don't want to be like him." I heard him whisper, the sudden shock of his voice making me turn to look at him again. He was now covered in a layer of sweat and I pulled away nervously, observing his frightened figure. "I'm nothing like him!" He said a little louder this time, his eyes still not opening. "Don't do it, she's not coming back!" He shouted now, his jaw clenching as he said it. "Stop it!" He cried, almost like a plea for help. 

I searched him frantically and started shaking his shoulders. "Graylan!" I yelled; nothing. "Graylan wake up it's Isa!" I shouted again. His eyes shot open and his grip on my waist tightened, yanking me against his chest. I settled into it and nuzzled my head into his neck as I heard him let out a breath of air. "It's okay." I whispered against him, running my fingers up and down his chest, "It was just a dream." I told him. I finally looked up at him and he had a small smile on his face. "What?" I asked, a little shocked by his sudden happiness; a second ago he was scared, and now he's happy?

He just shook his head with a chuckle before placing a gentle kiss on my lips. The grin grew when he pulled away, and I couldn't help but smile along with him. "Just remembering last night, that's all." He whispered as he brushed a loose strand of hair behind my ear. I blushed at the gesture, and leaned my head onto his bare chest again. 

I was afraid to ask him about what he said because I don't think he knew he said it; so I left it alone. I felt his fingers start brushing through my hair as I cuddled into him, and he kissed my forehead gently. "Hey Isa?" He said as he reached the bottom of my hair and went back to the top, the knots going away as his fingers stroked through them. 

"Mmm?" I replied, tilting my head up so I could see him more clearly. He bent his head down so his eyes met mine and kissed my nose gently. 

"Do you regret last night?" He asked so suddenly it was like a slap in the face. Was he regretting things? Did he think about leaving me in the middle of last night? Is he going to tell me to pretend nothing happened? Is he going to tell me to leave him alone? The thoughts ran through my head more quickly then they should have and I think he noticed. "No no that's not what I meant." He whispered, moving my hair back from my eyes.

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