Panic Attack

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"Um, Parker?" I said looking up from my phone and at him. His eyes were full of concern, and I realized that I had been staring at the text for an extremely long time.

"Is something wrong?" He asked looking into my eyes and searching for answers.

"Everything is fine, I just need to get home right now. My mother needs me." I said getting up from the table and pulling out my wallet to pay for the meal we just finished.

"Stop." He said putting his hand on my wallet, "It's a date. I'm paying." He smiled brightly, placing a fifty on the table. I blushed when I realized his hand was on mine and he looked at them then pulled away nervously scratching his head.

"Lets go." I whispered, grabbing his hand and walking with him towards the exit. On the car ride home, I could tell that Parker was trying to make me less nervous, and to be honest, it was actually helping a lot. I had no idea why my mother wanted to talk to me, and his corny jokes were keeping my mind off of it. At least they were until we pulled up into my driveway.

He put the car in park and I turned to him, prepared to thank him when I felt his lips against my cheek. "I had a really nice time tonight Isa." He whispered before pulling away and giving me a shy smile.

"I did too Parker." I said, trying to stop the blush that was creeping onto my cheeks again. This boy made me like a freaking tomato. "I'm sorry I had to go so soon." I shrugged, actually sad that I couldn't stay for longer.

"You can make it up to me by going out with me again?" He asked hopefully. I nodded and got out of the car, waving goodbye before I sprinted up to my door and opened it quickly. There was no time to lose!

I saw my mother and father sitting in the kitchen, holding hands over the table and looking sadly at my dad's laptop. "Isa!" My mother called as soon as I walked in, running over and wrapping her arms around me in a tight embrace.

"Is something wrong?" I asked, getting more nervous by the second. 

1) My parents never sat at the table together holding hands unless they were both holding some organ that they just pulled out of someone.

2) My mother never ran over to me and hugged me as soon as I got home.

3) What the cracker jacks is going on?

"Mom, Dad, what's going on?" I asked as I sat down at the table, a safe distance away from the pair of them.

My parents shared a glance at each other, and my dad nodded motioning that he would tell me whatever it was that was going on. "Have you ever heard of a blog called WinstonLeaked?" My father asked. The name didn't ring a bell, but Winston was the name of our school, so I had a hunch it had something to do with that hell hole.

I shook my head, getting more nervous by the second. Why the flying kazoo did my parents like beating around the bush? Couldn't they just tell me straight what was going on? I think it should be illegal for parents to do this. It's torture.

"The person who runs the blog has been sharing some very...personal information about you." He said. I could see the tears forming in his eyes. How personal did he mean?

"Sweetie," My mother started, "Have you ever posed for any pornographic type photos?" She asked. Finally someone who got straight to the point.

My eyes widened at the fact my mom was basically asking if I took nudes. I shook my head quickly, confused as to why that was even a question. I was basically the prude at my school! Why in Santa Claus' name would I pose naked?


"Just show me the blog." I said trying to block the sob that was about to come out. I had a feeling I knew what was about to happen, and I really didn't want it to.

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