Blood is Thicker Than Water

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I wasn't exactly sure what it was anymore. The tears from my eyes or from the sky that were stinging my eyes. My clothes clung to me like an extra layer of skin as I watched the scene in front of me unfold. 

I turned and saw Landon looking at it too. When his eyes finally connected with mine, he just shook his head; the bruise on his face starting to grow darker. I felt hands grip my hips and turned around to see Muscles. The cut on his forehead ran deep and I knew he would have to be stitched up soon, however, that was the least of my worries.

The hand I was holding squeezed my own, and I couldn't help but smile into the comfort of knowing Parker was next to me. Our eyes were all swollen with tears, but I always knew this was going to happen.

Just not like this.

Not now.


The blood pouring out of the wound on his cheek was the first thing I noticed, the second was that he was actually in Tyler's closet. Before I could turn around to either ramble or punch him in the face, I noticed Graylan's eyes widen and something hard come in contact with the back of my head.

My vision was blurry as I dropped to my knees, the impact nothing compared to the one of the blunt object on my skull. The last thing I saw before blacking out was Graylan's eyes filling with anger.

Beep. What the hell? Beep Beep. Oh boy, one upping yourself there. Beep. Don't down grade! Beep Beep. There you go buddy keep up the pace! Beep. This is just ridiculous.

"What the hell happened?" I faintly heard my mother's voice. I could tell she was angry just from the sound, and frowned on the inside. Beep Beep. Jesus christ shut up I'm trying to eavesdrop. Beep. Ugh.

The silky sound of Graylan's voice cut through my anger towards the beeps and I felt my heart flutter at the sound. "Tyler...Passed out... Ambulance... Stalker." Was all I could make out of what he said. All of the events from yesterday came back to me. 

The shrine of me at the back of Tyler's closet, Graylan's defeated figure, the photo shopped picture of him kissing Yasmine. Photo shopped. God dammit! If I wasn't such an idiot none of this would have happened.

"Escaped criminal...Not named Tyler... Curtis...Help he needs." If the stupid beeps wouldn't cut off my mother's speech maybe I would have understood it all! Beep Beep. Bastard.

"I think she's waking up." I heard Graylan form a full sentence. Finally! Beep. Holy monkey tits I'm going to beat up this machine when I can open my damn eyes. Mark my words mach-Beep Beep. Kill me now.

My eyes finally opened and I couldn't help the smile that stretched across my face when I saw Graylan lying next to me on the bed. He had his arms around my waist and his head on top of mine. What was this boy doing to me. Beep. "I swear to god if that thing beeps one more time!" I yelled getting a chuckle out of Graylan.

"Good to see you too Princess." He winked, taking the connector off of my finger thus stopping the beeping. 

"Thank you." I told him, blushing at the nickname he'd given me.

"So you've forgiven me?" He asked, his eyebrow raising in mock surprise. I let out a deep groan and smacked myself in the forehead.

"It's my fault. I should have trusted you." I sighed, looking up to meet a very amused Graylan.

"You should have." He whispered kissing my nose, "But I must say, that psychopath does have some good photo shop skills." He shrugged, pulling me against him again. "I'm just glad we've sorted it out." He murmured, his soft lips placing a kiss on the top of my head.

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