This Can't Be Happening

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I don't exactly remember falling asleep, but I do remember waking up. I was being carried, but I didn't know where I was going. When my eyes finally opened I looked up and saw Graylan looking straight ahead of him. I couldn't help but notice the muscles in his arms bulging out as he carried me. Goosebumps rose up into my arms and I nuzzled my head in closer to his chest to seek warmth. His eyes darted down to me, and a gentle smile appeared on his face when he noticed I was awake. "Good afternoon beautiful." He whispered placing a gentle kiss on my forehead and sending butterflies soaring through my stomach.

I blushed and just held on tighter. "Where are we going?" I asked, trying to hide the tiredness that was evident in my voice.

"Back to my room. Chemo just finished." He told me and I instantly felt guilty. I went to keep him company but I fell asleep; that isn't exactly the best way to keep someone entertained. I could tell he knew what I was thinking and he shook his head. "Just you being there was enough." He smiled weakly and I couldn't help but lean my head up and place a kiss on his cheek.

"You shouldn't be carrying me." I reminded him, "Chemo isn't exactly the most strengthening experience." I said and he just shrugged.

"If I couldn't carry you, I would have woken you up. I'm fine." He said with a little smirk. It wasn't his obnoxious one that he normally wore though, it was beautiful. I would stare at him for ages if I could, but that would be extremely creepy.

I finally noticed us walk through a doorway, and assumed we were in his room. Instead of placing me down like I had expected, he brought me into his bed with him. I blushed at the thought of being in a bed with Graylan Dorlan, but quickly got rid of the thought so I didn't make a total fool of myself. My head was securely in the crook of his neck and he had one hand wrapped around my waist as he reached for his computer. "What did I tell you about spending too much time on your computer?" I joked, pointing at him with my finger in a scolding manner. 

He just rolled his eyes and placed the computer on the little table that was over the bed. His eyes widened with realization and he looked down at me mischievously. "I could think of something else we could do." He said with his typical smirk that any girl would die to see. He leaned down, his eyes on my lips the entire time. At the last second, I turned my head and his lips landed on my cheek. I smiled victoriously and looked at the computer.

"So what are we watching?" I asked, snickering at the little groan of annoyance he let out. He clearly wasn't expecting me to turn away from him. I mean, no girl ever did that to Graylan Dorlan. If he wanted to kiss you, you let him kiss you, and you enjoyed it.

"You're a pain in the ass you know." He laughed gripping me tighter and pulling me closer into him. I smiled a little and leaned into his chest, letting my hair drape over him.

"I've never heard of that movie." I told him, putting a finger to my mouth in thought, "What's it about?" I asked, looking up at him innocently.

"It's about a girl who rejects a guy and then stays in his bed to ask what they're going to watch." He smirked knowingly, placing a small kiss on my nose.

"Now that doesn't sound right. I would rather watch something else." I beamed, keeping my eyes on him the entire time and moving my mouth closer to his.

"What do you have in mind?" He asked following my lead and placing his mouth so close that I could feel his lips gently graze mine.

"It's your choice." I whispered not moving another inch towards him.

He just smiled a little and placed a kiss next to my mouth. I let out an involuntary groan, slightly annoyed that it wasn't on my mouth. "The Breakfast Club." He whispered before nibbling gently on the tip of my ear. I just shoved him away from me and turned back to the computer.

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