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"Pretty please with cherries on top?" Brooke asked looking up at me with puppy dog eyes.

"Do I have to dress up?" I questioned again. She never gave me a straight answer, and I can't even remember how many times I'd asked her the exact same question.

"I'd like you to." She smiled brightly and I just groaned.

"But I don't have to?" I asked again hopefully.

"No. I guess you don't." She pouted. Yes! Victory. I began to grin from ear to ear before nodding and taking the bundle of papers from her hand.

"Alright, I'll do it then." I said with a smile. This girl was probably the most bearable out of all of them, even though she did occasionally pull my hair.

"Get her into hair and makeup as soon as possible!" She snapped her fingers quickly, looking at Johnny who was already over to me and dragging me to one of their stools that not even a hobbit was the right size for.

He sat me down and I was actually nervous that I would break the thing. "I didn't know I needed my hair and makeup done." I said, freaking out as soon as I saw my 'makeup' was indeed a variety of different magic markers.

I growled softly as Johnny began to draw all over my face. "Voila!" He cheered holding out a mirror. I almost threw up at my reflection.

He had literally drawn on circles for blush. Not regular colours either. One was purple, and the other was blue. I looked absolutely ridiculous. When I noticed the kids smiling happily, I realized I guess I could do this one thing for them. If it made them happy that is.

"Now we just need to find you a prince." Brooke said tapping her foot and stroking her chin. Kids these days. 

"Can't I fly solo?" I asked. I'm an independent princess who don't need no man.

"That's not how I wrote it." She said folding her arms angrily. I held my hands up in defeat and just read over the script. It was absolutely random. Nothing made sense, they were just a bunch of sentences put together with a kiss at the end.

A kiss at the end?! How old were these freaking children?

"I've got the perfect idea!" Brooke cheered before running out of the daycare centre and down the hall. I would have run after her if I didn't look like Lady Gaga just threw up on my face.

When she came back she was holding someone's hand, and when my eyes finally looked up, they met Graylan's familiar ones. "What are you doing here?" We both asked at the same time. He let out a small smile, and I couldn't help but blush.

"You two know each other?" Brooke asked quickly. Ok now I was confused. "Are you another one of those girls that my brother eats?" She asked again. My eyes widened in horror.

"Is your brother Hannibal Lecter?" I asked putting a hand over my mouth in complete shock.

"Who's that?" She asked stroking her chin again. "But he eats their faces, not their entire body." She giggled.

I started to laugh with her, and when I looked at him again he was blushing like crazy. This made me grow a whole new appreciation for Brooke.

"What a monster!" I shouted in fake horror again. She nodded with me as I heard her brother let out a deep chuckle.

"Why am I here anyways?" He asked, leaning against the doorway casually. How did he do that? I would have fallen over if I tried to do the same. Maybe he was a yoga instructor?

"You're going to be Isa's prince!" Brooke cheered with pure excitement laced through her words.

"Is that so?" He smirked, walking over to me and smiling at the 'makeup.' "She looks especially lovely today." He winked with sarcasm dripping off of his words.

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