The Breakfast Club

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"Are you sure it will work?" My dad asked me, I could see he was skeptical, but it was all we had so far.

"Can you think of anything better?" I questioned back, getting a shrug from him. "It's the best we can do, and if it doesn't work, he dies. But he would die anyways, so we might as well try if there is even the slightest hope of saving him." I said, pure determination flowing through my blood.

"I've never seen you want something so much. Especially for someone you hardly know." He said with his best attempt at a comforting smile.

"I just don't want to see another person I know die." I made up quickly, not letting myself believe that I was actually doing this because I cared about him. I didn't care about him. Yes you do. And he doesn't care about me. 

Really? You're not going to tell me he does care about me? I yelled at the imaginary voice in my head.

Well I'm you, so I can only tell you how you feel. And at this current moment, you're ninety nine percent sure that he doesn't care about you, so I can't tell you a lie. 

Wow, I can be a real jack ass sometimes. 

I heard that. 

Good. "I know what you mean." My dad said, thankfully cutting through my annoying thoughts. "We're going to save this boy Isa. I promise we will." He said placing his hand on my shoulder. The warmth instantly comforted me, and I gave him a forced smile.

"Don't promise me something like that Dad. Just promise that we'll try." I smiled, getting up from the seat and grabbing my bag to go home. Mom was already waiting for me outside. 

"We'll do everything that we can." He said with a nod. "Your mother is going to take you to the surgical centre now. What you're doing is a great thing." He reminded me. I nodded and left his office, smiling at my mom and letting her lead me to the hospital's surgical wing.

"Are you nervous?" She asked after a few minutes, squeezing my hand as I sat on one of the tables. I shook my head even though I felt like nodding it. I was extremely nervous. I had never actually had an eighteen gauge needle stuck into my back, so I was officially losing my surgical virginity today; and I knew it was going to hurt.

I picked a gown up off of the tray and gone into the bathroom to change. After I told my dad what we had to do, he had set the plan into action, knowing full well what it could do to his career. As I'm sure you're all wondering, we have officially named this plan Cure Graylan, and have broken it down into three simple steps. Actually, they're not exactly simple, but one of the three is already done, and I am about to complete the second one. 

Step 1) Get my father to call Graylan to come in for a check up. (By check up in this case, we mean we're going to knock him out using gas which my dad will tell him helps his breathing)

Step 2) Extract bone marrow from my spine. (We have already completed a series of blood tests and scans, and have proven that I am a match)

Step 3) Take out his infected bone marrow before it spreads, and implant mine. (While he's still awake of course) 

As I stripped out of my clothes and put the gown on, I heard my phone buzz. 

From: Dad

Graylan is in my office, telling him about the gas now. When I give you the 'Go' tell Dr. Harris to start with the procedure. Stay safe xx

I smiled down at my phone and re-entered the room, noticing Dr. Harris with a large smile on his face and the needle in front of him. My stomach dropped when I saw the size of it, but I shrugged it off quickly and lay down on the bed. I turned on my side, and he opened the gown slightly rubbing the sterilizing solution on the procedure spot. Usually there was no anesthetic strong enough to completely numb the pain of this procedure, so unlike Graylan, I was going to feel it all. 

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