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*14 Years Later*

"Anything sharp ma'am?" Parker asked me with a slight smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes and slapped him on the back of the head.

"I swear if you call me ma'am one more time I'll punch you Park." I scolded. He just put his hands up in defense and laughed anyways. 

"I'm sorry, it's part of the gig." He winked before motioning me to move forward. I groaned and did, picking my purse and phone out of the tray and waiting at the other end of the line for Graylan. He and Parker joked about something before he joined me, placing a soft kiss on my lips; tingles erupting through my entire body. He could even do that now. 

"Parker is a dick." I groaned when he grabbed my hand, a small, sexy chuckle coming from the base of his throat. 

"Watch the language, there are kids around." He whispered against my ear, nibbling gently on the skin. I shivered at his touch and felt him smirk next to me. "Still got it." He whispered again before placing a soft kiss on my cheek.

"Whatever." I laughed. And as if on cue, my three beautiful children sprang through the metal detectors. 

"Uncle Parker likes me better!" Helen smiled, sticking her tongue out to Calum. 

"What did I tell you about showing favouritism?" I asked Parker who was looking at me innocently. 

"I can't help myself." He winked, tickling Helen's stomach.

She started to giggle uncontrollably, her long black hair flowing to the front of her eyes. She looked so much like her father. "Where's Carmen?" I asked, pretending not to see her hiding behind Parker. He made a little 'shh' sign with his finger and I could hear her soft giggles.

"I'm here!" She cheered, jumping out from behind him. Graylan gasped and I just let out a chuckle.

"I didn't see you there! You scared me munchkin." Graylan winked, running over to the petite girl and picking her up, throwing her onto his back. 

"Sorry daddy." She said between laughs, placing kisses all over his cheeks.

"It's alright sweet heart, just don't scare me like that again." He laughed, keeping her tightly against his back. "How did we get so lucky?" He wondered out loud, a grin breaking out onto his face.

"They're named after three amazing people, how could we not have been lucky?" I retorted. He just shrugged, and put Carmen down next to Helen and Calum.

When I found out that Graylan and I were having triplets, I was ecstatic. We had always wanted a large family, and with three on the way, we prepared like crazy. Graylan literally went all out when it came to being a father. He wanted to prove to me, and himself that he was nothing like his dad. He read pregnancy books, rubbed my back when I asked him too, and one day after work I even found him painting a mural on the crib with Brent.

Brent had changed a lot since Carmen's death. He became more involved with his brother and I, and I always looked forward to seeing him every day. When Graylan and I moved in together, he and Ajax did most of the heavy lifting claiming that Graylan and I needed to 'relax.' 

After graduation, I went on to become a medical student at one of the top IV league schools in the country, maybe even the world. I was at the top of my class, and today I work along side my mother. My dad was disappointed when I didn't choose oncology, but he knew that I had always wanted to help people like Calum, and even Bishop.

Speaking of Bishop, he came to visit me frequently. Thankfully, after his first heart attack as a child, he regained full strength in both of his hands, and was fully capable of everything any boy his age was. 

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