If I Can't Have Her, No One Can.

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Graylan's POV

"Silly Graylan. You just couldn't help yourself, could you?" His voice cut through me like a knife, and I couldn't will myself to move. I felt my breath catch in my throat; no words daring to leave my mouth. "Now I was going to prolong this, but when I walked in on you looking near my closet, I knew it would only be so long." I could hear his voice getting closer, but still refused to turn around and face him.

My eyes locked with a picture of Isa, her smiling face bringing some comfort to me. If I were to die, at least it was with her. Even if it wasn't exactly with her. "Tyler you don't have to do this." I finally managed to say, still not turning to see him. I mentally slapped myself for sounding like a cliché idiot from a horror movie. 

I heard a deep chuckle release from his throat, my body tensing at the horrific sound. "I actually liked you Graylan. I thought we would get along. We're sort of the same you and I." He spoke, I could practically feel the evil smile creep onto his face.

"I am nothing like you." I spat, getting more angry by the second. How could he compare us?

"Actually you are. We even have the same taste in girls. Oh, and Isa gave us the exact same thing. Herself." He whispered, his moist breath hitting my ear and sending a chill through me. I don't know why I started feeling jealous but I did. 

I should be deathly afraid of him right now, but the fact that he slept with Isa made me want to punch him square in the face. I took a deep breath and slowly turned around, his twisted smile making me back up. "Why are you doing this?" I asked him, continuing to back up. I searched the room with my eyes for something sharp, but there was nothing. 

My eyes widened when I looked down and saw him holding a knife. He noticed my gaze and lifted it to his face, stroking the sharp blade with his finger, blood instantly gushing out of his now open cut. He smirked gently at it, and my stomach began to churn. "Sharp." He whispered, sucking the blood off his finger and dropping the knife back down to his side. 

"Why are you doing this?" I asked again, a bit more urgent this time. The reality of the situation had just hit me when I saw the knife in his hands, and I knew this was the end for me.

"Well you see Graylan, I love Isa. I would do anything for her, and you just get in the way." He smiled, placing the blade against my cheek and slowly sliding it down, the warmth of my own blood running down my cheek. I winced at the stinging sensation that the knife brought, and backed away again. "Now we can't have that, can we?" He said rhetorically, the blade coming even closer until it was brought to my neck. "This is for Isa." He whispered.

*Flashback in Tyler's POV* 

"Tyler sweetheart, dinner's ready!" My mother called from inside of the house.

"Be there in a minute." I responded, placing the last scoop of dirt over the hole and running into the house.

"Oh Tyler honey," She said running over and inspecting my hands, "What were you doing outside? Did you cut yourself?" She asked, clearly noticing the blood that was covering my hands.

"Just a little." I told her, showing her a fake toothy smile. She sighed but nodded.

"You know, just because Landon, Carmen, and Isadora are gone doesn't mean you can't hang out with new people. You know that right?" She asked me. The sound of their names made me more angry but I nodded.

"Of course." I told her, smiling again. The feeling felt disgusting on my face, but I knew it would satisfy her.

"Now go clean up while I put the food on the table. Oh and while you're there, check for Lucy, I haven't seen her in a while." She told me. The sound of the dog's name made me feel sick. The way that rat barked all the time. At least I dealt with it.

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