Chapter 3

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Mang haetta(I'm screwed). I kept on repeating the word throughout the class this morning. Tired of repeating the word I put my head on the table and unfotunately fall into sleep.

No one POV

SinB was about to go home when that V aka Kim Taehyung didn't show up. Now was 5.00pm when they were supposed to meet at 4.30pm. Geez how can girl even stand for tardy like him.

When she was about to open the door, the door was already opened by the person from the other side. Finally.

"Finally Mr. Kim. You came. "SinB said giving her annoyed face expression.

"Look, sorry. I've got something to handle. You know girls,they can't get off from me. And soon, it will be you." Taehyung said as he walk forward to SinB.

"Excuse me... what a feeler." As she was walking backward to keep the distance far. And she can clearly see a smirk on Taehyung face.

At first she was nervous but then her mind told her to be brave. So she make her way to the exit door when suddenly her back was hitting the door hard. She closed her eyes for the sudden impact she had felt just now.

"Well to bad. I want you to fall in love with me. Im giving you a gold ticket when other girl were begging to become my girlfriend." Both of his arm were holding both side of SinB shoulder. While his eyes were straightly stared at SinB round eyes.

"Thank you. But I not inte-..." her words stop when Taehyung index finger were on SinB lips signaling her to stop talking.

"Shh. I don't accepted NO as an answer. The option is YES or YES." just then he closed the gap of their face inch by inch. She now can feel his hot breathe on her face. A second later a pair of lips landed perfectly on her....forehead.


End flashback



BUKK. The next thing i knew is I already on the floor with my friends surrounded me. What was just happened?? Arrghh my butt really in pain right now. Wait? Did I just fall from the chair just now.

"Kwenchana SinB-ya? You fell really hard just now." I rubbed my butt and nodded to Umji for her concern just now. I nodded as my answer.
I look around just to find out that class were empty. What the heck?!

" where's everybody?" I can see clearly Yuju eonnie forming HEOL with her mouth.

"You're really enjoyed your sleep aren't you? The class was over like 30 mins ago." Yerin eonnie said while slapping the table numerous times.

30 minutes ago?? How can't I not realised?

"Poor Umji. She had enough to wake you up until she had to called us. We heard you mumbling something when you're slept. What was your dream? Until you have to fall from chair like that??" Said Eunha eonnie while hugging Umji.

" nightmares...." I simply answered them with one word just enough for them to asking me thousand of question back. Okay I maybe exaggerated a little bit.I packed my whole things into my bag and they still asking me a million of question.

"Guys, I want to go home right now? Are you guys wanna stay here or what??"

Yerin eonnie then pinch my cheek really hard."Aigoo uri SinB, come let's get you home!"


Night, home:

Just why on Earth that I have to get this so 'gold ticket' anyway. I mean why me?? All this time I was carefree to do whatever I wanted to. It was my biggest mistake for answering them back that day. How stupid I am. Can't I have my college life without problems??

This semester sure will be the most painful semester of my life. Without realizing, my eye lids slowly falling down. Now I wish that I will not having that nightmare again.


The next morning:


I streched my arm towards the alarm clock. 7.30. Its still early. My class starts at 10. A few minute of sleep won't hurt right???
"Eunbi ya, don't you have class today?" I can hear mother yelling from the kitchen.

"My class start at 10 mom. Give me 10 note minute." I answered with my husky voice.

"Well dear, I think you should wake up now. Its already 9.45. Are you really can get ready within 15 minutes??" Automatically, my eyes we're fully opened widely. How can it be? Its only a few minutes??? I..... think???

As I get off from the train, I start running like crazy. Just then my bad luck for today does not end yet. I saw Taehyung and Jungkook at my opposite direction walking towards my direction. Instictly, I hide under the stairs hoping they not seeing me just now.

 Instictly, I hide under the stairs hoping they not seeing me just now

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Luckily they didn't seen me. I can heard their footstep above my head.

"Hyung, how long are you gonna 'play' with SinB?" SinB? That's me! What play? This have to be interesting...

"You know Jungkook-ah... I never stick with same girl more than one week. I can't wait to see her face begging to me with her ugly melt mascara. Who told her to stepping on me. No girls ever do that to the prince." Then both of them laughing hardly until I feel I want to punch both of them. Prince my ass.

So this how you're play Taehyung-ssi. Well you've choose the wrong person to 'play' Taehyung-ssi. Now everything make senses... Finally I can breathe normally now. Let see Kim Taehyung who is the one that playing.

No one POV:
There was a hidden smirk on both girl and the boy face. A smirk that full of thousand meaning behind it. Who knows what happened in the future between them.

Without them knowing, both of them murmured........



Words count:976 words(its increasing every updates!)

Hi there!! How is my chapter? I really hope that you guys enjoyed the reading. Do:



Its means a lot for me. I tried my best to keep updating. Wish me goodluck!! Hwaiting!!! Love you all!!!



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