Chapter 10

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Dahvies pov

He just ran off but not before he cut me. I deserved it. I sat at the sink running the wound under cold water. Shit I can't believe I said that. I was just trying to stay friends and it just came out. I didn't mean it I would go out with him any day. I should've just kept my mouth shut.

I put a bandage on my cut and called Jayy. He's not answering. I call Jeffree maybe he ran to his house.


"What what what!"

"Is jayy at your house?"

"No. Why? What happened? What did you do?"

"I said some things I didn't mean and he ran off and won't answer any of my calls or texts."

"Shit. Ill be over and we'll go looking for him."


He hung up and I went back to trying to talk to jayy. I hope he's ok. I feel horrible. I want to be with him I really do. I have to do something to make things right. Then it hits me I'm ending it with Sasha.

Me: hey

Sasha: hey babe

Me: um there's something I gotta tell you

Sasha: sure what is it?

Me: it's over

Sasha: Why? :( 3

Me: I love someone else

Sasha: Who?:(

Me: it's jayy

Sasha: really?

Me: yea

Sasha: awwwww

Me: are you mad?

Sasha: no. I think he likes you too

Me: I know he does

Sasha: I gtg bye

Me: bye

Well that was easier than I expected. I go upstairs and take a shower. The memory kept repeating in my head. All I can think about is how much I've must have hurt him and all the things I could've said. I realized the water was getting cold and that all I did was stand. Whatever. I get out and change into skinny jeans and my motley crew girls girls girls t-shirt. I go down stairs and try calling him again I hope he answers. Then Jeffree arrived. I opened the door to be greeted with a slap to the face.

"What the fuck was that for?!?!"

"What did you fucking day to him?!?! We both know he only runs off like that if he's really really upset so what did you say to him?"

"I said that I didn't want to ruin our friendship and that I would never go out with him."

I was slapped again.

"You idiot why would you say that?!?!"

"I don't know I wasn't thinking I didn't mean it and stop slapping me!"

He grabbed my hand and dragged me in the car. We got in and he started the engine.

"Let's go find him."

We drove around for hours calling his name. We went to all the places he could be. We went to the bar, the club, the mall, the beach and even Daniels house. When we couldn't find him we decided to go back home and call everyone.

Jayys pov

I was sitting on Zacks couch smoking weed and watching family guy with him. It was relaxing and peaceful. He put his arm around me and I snuggled next to him. He smelled like weed and axe. He sighs, turns the TV off and turns to me with concern in his eyes.

"What happened last night?"

I knew he was gonna ask this eventually. I took a deep breath.

"Dahvie was drunk and told me he loved me and that he wanted me to come home. When I did I put him to bed and I asked him to be mine and he said yes and then...then." I started chocking up and tears started forming in my eyes.

"Then in the morning he told me that he only thinks about me as a brother and that he would never go out with me."

I broke down and started sobbing into his chest. He stroked my hair trying to calm me down.

"Well he doesn't know what he's missing out on." He said hugging me tightly.

He lets go and lifts my chin. Our eyes meet and he kisses my nose making me laugh. He laughs too and puts his forehead on mind. He kisses me softly. My stomach growls and he laughs.

"Are you hungry?"


"What do you want." He gets up and heads to the kitchen.



He comes back a couple minutes later with a sandwich.

"It took you 8 minutes to make a sandwich?"

"No. The sandwich is so you can have something while the pizza is in the oven."


"Now eat your sandwich."

"What's in it?"

"Ham, lettuce and tomato."

"Oh ok."

I take a bite and it feels like my mouth is in heaven.

"Oh my god this is so good."

"I'm glad you like it."

He turns the TV back on and we watch family guy until the pizza is ready. We eat it all and go to his room. We get into bed and he sings me to sleep.

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