Chapter 12

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Dahvies pov

I haven't eaten since jayy left. I was too sad to eat the rest of the breakfast so Jeffree ate it instead. Ive been going crazy all day. I would jump whenever my phone would ring and then is start crying when i saw it wasn't jayy and refused all the food Jeffree tried to give me. Shit it's almost midnight and he hasn't come home. I hope he's ok. Jeffree took me upstairs and tucked me in. He was just about to leave the room when I called his name.


"Yea bitch?"

"What if he never comes back? What if he hates me?"

"He'll come back I know it and he can't hate you you're his best friend and you guys have been through so much together he'll come to his senses eventually now get some sleep. Goodnight."


He left the room and closed the door leaving me in nothing but darkness. I waited for a minute and I heard his horn beep twice and heard his car leave the drive way. Now it's just me.

Tonight my room looks creepy and the silence scares me. I get up and go to jayys room. I get under his covers and hug the blanket. I take a deep breath and close my eyes and drift off to sleep.

I'm on a beach and jayy is laying next to me in the sand. I turn my head to see him staring up at the sky. He looks so calm. He turns to me and opens his mouth to speak but I beat him to it.

"I'm sorry for what I said."

"I forgive you."


"Yea. Actually I have a surprise for you."

He puts a blind fold over my eyes and takes my hand. We walk for a while. At first I hear cars passing and people talking but after a while there was nothing but silence. I wonder where he's taking me. I hear him open what sounds like a big metal door and pull me in. The room was cold and I begin to shiver. He closes it behind us. I can hear our foot steps echoing around the room. He pushes me up against a wall pulls my hands up and ties them together. The rope feels like a bunch of little needles are going into my wrist.Then he ties my legs together. I try to move but the rope just gets tighter.

"Time to see darling."

He pulls the blind fold off of me.

The walls and the floors are concrete. There are no windows. The only way I could see was because of one little light bulb dangling in the middle of the room. I realize I'm in nothing but my underwear. I look up to see that the rope is tied to a metal pole. At my feet I see a whip, duck tape and a knife. I look at Jayy with pleading eyes. He responds with an evil smirk.

"Jayy what's going on? Where are we?"

"We're my dungeon."

"What are you going to do to me?"

"I'm gonna make you feel what I felt. Sadness, disappointment, broken hearted, confused and more importantly pain."

"I thought you said you forgave me."

"I lied just like you did."

"Please let me go I'm sorry."

"It's too late for that."

He takes the whip and swings it through the air hitting me when he does the whip slices my skin like paper. I scream in pain. He does it over and over again until I'm covered in my own blood. He laughs at my misery.

"Please stop hurting me. I love you so much I didn't mean to hurt you. You can stop this and we can go home and pretend like nothing ever happened. I wont tell anyone. Please just stop. Please."

He drops the whip and picks up the duck tape. He rips a piece off with his teeth and puts it over my mouth.

"Shut the fuck up. You talk too much."

He picks up the knife and slices my wrists. I'm losing blood fast. He puts the knife on my throat but then pulls away.

"I could kill you now but I wanna see you suffer the way I did. I'm gonna let you feel the pain and let you bleed to death. Goodbye my love."

He kisses me on the cheek and backs away. Then Zack comes out of the shadows and starts kissing him. The kiss is getting hotter and hotter with every passing second. My vision starts getting blurry and then darkness falls upon me.

I wake up crying, screaming and clutching the blanket for dear life. I look around and I'm in jayys room he didn't torture me it was just a bad dream. I lay back in bed and I fall asleep this time there's no dream it's just darkness.

I wake up in the morning to tired to move. I decide to get off my ass and go to the living room. The house feels so empty without him. Instead of making what I usually make for breakfast I just eat toast and milk. I'm too sad and tired to cook. When I finish I sit on the couch and turn the tv on. That'll get my mind of everything.

I flick through the channels looking for a movie. Lion king is playing. That was his favorite movie. I keep looking until I find gone. I sit back on the couch and watch it. It ends and I watch one more movie. At the end of the second movie I get a text from Sasha.

Sasha: hey I just ran into jayy.

Holy shit.

Me: omg is he ok? Where is he? Is he alone?

Sasha: he's fine. He's at the dock with some guy they seem pretty close.

Me: oh ok

I guess he's moved on. I started crying into a cushion. I miss him. I cry myself to sleep and I'm awakened by the sound of a car parking in our driveway. I look out the window and see jayy get out of the car. Oh my god. Am I still dreaming? He waves goodbye to the person driving and I run towards him. He turns around and I hug him. I say everything so fast I can't even understand myself. When I'm calm he tilts my head up.

"I missed you so much I'm sorry I ran off like th-"

I cut him of with a kiss. He returns it gladly. I'm so happy I can't explain it. He's home and that's all that matters.

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