Chapter 16

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Jayys pov

I wake up to my phone ringing. I rub my eyes and check my phone. My eyes widen and I gasp in fear as I read the message. Oh my god not the thing. I jump off the couch not even bothering to say anything to Dahvie. Dashing out the door grabbing 2 knives and a jacket and into the car I turn the key and drive to Daniels house. Sure I'm speeding but I have to get there quickly. I have to save him.

When I get to the house I take one of the knives in my hand and tie the other one to my wrist and cover it with my jacket then I quietly open the door. I go to the bedroom and find nothing. Suddenly I hear screaming. Fuck he's torturing him. I run down the stairs and into the basement. Daniel is going to die.

Zacks pov

As I'm laying on the cold cement floor I see him raise his foot. He slams it down on my chest probably breaking a bone. He does this multiple times and he laughs as I scream in pain. He takes off his shoes and puts on his spiked boots. Oh no here comes the worst part. He kicks me as if I were a soccer ball. All I can feel is pain and agony. Tears run down my face.

"Stop crying you pussy!" He kicks me again.

I look around and all I see is blood. My blood it's all over me the floor and his boots. I look up at him with pleading eyes but he just kicks me again.

"Now go to the corner you little bitch."

I move quickly if I don't he'll kick me again. He leaves the room and comes back with a whip. He slashes It through the air and laughs when it cracks. He walks up to me and whips my back. I scream in agony.

Just then I hear something upstairs. I look up and he pushes my head back down. I hear footsteps pounding down the stairs.

"Leave him alone!"

I recognize that voice that's jayys voice.


"Be quiet."

He kicked me again and turned to jayy.

"What do you want?"

"I want you to leave him alone."

"Why should I? He asked for this."

"He doesn't deserve this just stop doing this to him."

"Make me."

Jayy pulled out a knife from behind his back.

"Ok I will."

"Ohhhh a knife I'm so scared. What are you gonna do huh? Cut yourself?" He teased.

His grip on the knife tightened he had that "you're gonna die" look in his eyes. Daniel crossed the line. He charged at him holding the knife out but Daniel grabbed his arm and flipped him on his back. He groaned and slowly got up. This happened over and over until Jayy got tired.

"Is that all you got?"

"Yea. I'm sorry hun. I love you."

"I love you too babe."


"Drop the knife."

He drops the knife and walks over to Daniel. I can't believe him he just gives up like that! He hugs him and pulls another knife out of his sleeve and plunges it into his back. He takes it out causing blood to go everywhere and Daniel lets go and kneels on the floor.

"Why would you do this to me?"

"You deserve it asshole."

He stabs him again causing him to collapse on the floor like a rag doll. He turns him over and shoves the knife in his heart.

"Know you know how I felt." Jayy whispered as a tear rolls down his perfect face.

He walks over to me and picks me up. He takes me to the room and gets a blanket to wrap me in. Once I'm in a little burrito he takes me to his car and sets me in the passenger seat. He sits in the drivers seat and looks at me with a concerned look in his eyes.

"Im so sorry."

"For what?"

"For not telling you the truth. For not telling you I'm the one that stole your fiancé. I'm so sorry."

"It's ok. We'll talk about this later"

He kissed me on the cheek and drove us to his house. There was no conversation in the car no music just silence. When we got to his house he picked me up and carried me inside. Dahvie was on the couch biting his nails. When he saw Jayy he smiled but then he saw him carrying me with blood seeping through the blanket he looked at us with fear and concern.

"What happened?"

It was silent for a moment. We didn't know what to say. But then Jayy spoke up.

"Daniel happened."

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