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Kirstie's POV:

Great, My first day at school and I get screamed at by some jerk face that had piercings on his nose, ears, eyebrows, and lips.

Also he had pink hair with black growing a little in the back.

He had no right to scream at me like that though.

And my seat is beside him in class.

Today was my second day, and it's Friday I started school a bit late of the week but that's fine.

I really don't feel that welcome here because of yesterday.

I don't know what's gonna happen today.

I walked inside and walked into the cafeteria where we all had to wait.

I didn't know where to be, I have no friends I didn't make any yesterday I was just pushed around.

Once the teacher dismissed us they all went to their lockers

I went to the one the teacher showed me I turned the lock to my numbers that I wrote on a piece of paper.

I opened it "Hey" I jumped as I heard someone beside me.

I looked over and saw the guy with pink hair from yesterday I felt a bit afraid.

He smiled at me "You ok?" he asked as I stood there frozen. I nodded and sighed "Here take this." He said then handed me something.

I took it "Um, isn't this beer?" I questioned but when I looked up he was gone.

I stood there not knowing what to do.

"Kirstin!" I then heard and saw Mrs. Hadley coming towards me.

He looked at the beer in my hand "Kirstin, You are not allowed to have that!" he yelled and grabbed it out of my hand.

"B-but I didn't even drink it-" "Don't try lying to me. You now have detention!" She yelled and walked away shaking her head.

I was so confused on what just happened.

Until I saw that guy again smirking at me.

I grabbed my books and slammed my locker then stomped in the classroom.

I found his seat and slammed my books onto his desk in front of him "You set me up!" I yelled.

He giggled "Clam down it's only detention?".

"Yeah, Easy for you to say it's only my second day here I can't have this!"

"God, I wish your phone did brake." I said angrily.

"Bitch, I wouldn't broke your face now get in your seat and leave me alone." "Why don't you leave Me alone?."

He huffed and rolled his eyes I gave up and sat down in my seat.

Class started and Mrs. Hadley was still upset with me.

"Now yesterday, I introduced Kirstin your new classmate but as I did it seemed like none of you were even looking."

"All I'm gonna say is I have never had anyone get in trouble on the second day but....someone did in a terrible matter."

"Anyways, Treat Kirstie nicely please" I glanced at the guy.

He chuckled and shook his head.

At lunch I was welcomed to my locker with a note that said 'Your disgusting, Nobody likes you.' I sighed and took it off then crushed it and threw it.

At lunch I was getting looks from people, confused looks.

It might be because they haven't seen me before I sat by myself no one came over.

After lunch I was pushed around again by those guys I haven't even learned their names.

The tall one pushed me into my own locker and hit me.

The short one pushed me down to the ground they both laughed then walked away.

I sighed and thought, What did I do? What did I do to them to deserve this?

My thought were intruded by someone kneeling beside me.

"Hey, You ok? I saw what them two were doing." "U-um, Yeah I guess I'm ok?".

"Here, Let me help you up" the guy stood up and held out his hand I smiled and took it.

He pulled me up I brushed off myself "Thanks, Your like the only person to be nice to me since I've been here."

"Really? I thought you'd have a lot of friends?"

"Why?" "Because, your beautiful" I blushed. "Why thank you, What's your name?"

"Jeremy, You?" "Kirstie" I smiled "It was nice meeting you Kirstie but I have to head home I'll see you around bye!" he yelled and walked away I waved.

Wow, An actual person helped me.

Suddenly I heard so kind of microphone turned on.

"In detention today is, Scott Hoying, Mitch Grassi, Avi Kaplan, Kirstin Maldonado, and Kevin Olusola."

I grunted, I forgot that jerk set me up into this crap.

I walked into the classroom where everyone was I seat in my seat completely fid up.

I saw the guy glance at me then laugh and pull something out of his pocket.

He then lit a cigarette and started smoking I rolled my eyes "What? You don't like that Kirstin?"

He took another drag then blow it in my face "Dude! Can you seriously quit!I've had enough of you already I didn't even do anything to you!" I yelled at him.

He giggled "Ok well I'm not called 'dude', I'm Mitch."

I sighed and my phone rang with a text.

Mom: Where are you?

Great, I didn't even tell my mom about all this "Who you texting Kirstin?" Mitch asked me.

"Don't call me Kirstin! Also it's none of your business." I sighed

I texted her back that I'm in detention I know that she's gonna freak but I didn't want to text her I'll just talk to her where I get out of here.

"Hey Mitch, Pass me one of those" I heard the tall guy say.

"Sure Scott" He then took a cigarette and threw it to Scott? I'm guessing?

He caught it and lit it taking in the deadly smoke that now filled the room their lucky no teachers are in here.

Nor, they could care less if they were.

The bell finally rang, it's felt like hours passed I basically just sat there and did my homework.

After that I walked home once again alone. Knowing that once I get inside I'll get screamed at by my strict mom.

A/N Hi!

But yeah I updated yay! Idk when I'll get to update again bc it takes a lot like a couple hours for me to write and for the chapters to be actually good.

But that's all for now.

Love y'all ♥️✨

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