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Kirstie's POV:

I was so glad that Jeremy was out of the hospital and getting better.

He could finally come back to school it's been a couple days and they have been so hard.

No matter what I do I'll still either get pushed down or beaten.

I walk into the classroom after going to my locker and I quickly noticed that Mitch was in his seat.

I go over and sit down Scott looks up then looks down back at his phone.

He looked stressed, and to my surprise he hasn't done anything yet.

But I shouldn't get my hopes up on being my own person today, I can never be me I'm always controlled by them.

I breathed in, then turned around. "Hey Scott." I say.

He looks up again, he just stares at me "What's your problem Maldonado?" He then says with a harsh tone.

I sigh and turn back over, damn it.

I thought that they wouldn't actually like they are with Mitch if Mitch wasn't around.

But I guess they are all like that.

Kevin walks in and walks past me but he grabs my binder along with him.

"Hey!" I almost shout way too loud for his liking.

"Shut the fuck up, slut." Kevin says. He then looks at my binder in disgust.

"Really? You have pictures of you and that guy?" He lifts out a pictures of me and Jeremy that I put in my binder.

I stand up. "What? You can't do anything just because Mitch isn't here today doesn't mean that you have control." Kevin stats then starts to rip the picture.

"No!" I then yell. He rips it completely then laughs.

"Fine you can keep the other pictures." Kevin says and throws me my binder, I was close to crying.

But why cry? It's not that bad, I mean at least it's not a beating or something more hurtful.

Yet again, that was me and Jeremy's first kiss picture why did he have to pick that one?

I sigh and sit back down.

After class it was lunchtime and I finally got to see Jeremy.

I don't know why I didn't see him this morning.

We both sat down together across from each other. "Babe, how come I didn't see you this morning?" I asked him.

"Oh, I was running late so my mom had to drive me." He replies while taking a drink.

"Well, I'm glad to see you." He smiles and grabs my hand.

Suddenly the boys to come over, they all sit down.

"Hey slut, and faggot." Scott says and sits down beside me, Jeremy instantly gets angry at his words.

Avi came and sat beside Jeremy, and Kevin came over and sat by Scott.

Avi started messing with Jeremy, he took his water.

"Dude, come on give me it back." Jeremy said to Avi, and Avi smiled. "How 'bout no?" Avi questions then throws it in the trash.

Jeremy sighs and puts his hand on his head, he clearly wasn't in the mood for all this. I mean who would be in the mood for someone to start picking on you what you have done nothing to them.

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