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Kirstie's POV:

I walk into school, it was a bit chilly out.

My mind was scattering thinking about Mitch, Jeremy, Travis..

Boys. Boys, boys.

I go to my locker and instantly feel a presence near me.

I than felt my face getting pushed against my locker. "Haven't messed with you for a while." I heard Scott's voice in my ear.

I sigh, "I thought you weren't allowed to touch me when Mitch wasn't around!" I yelled frustrated.

He pushed even harder. "Mitch has been very distant recently from all of us even from his ex, so I believe that it does not seem to matter so do not talk back to me again. Got it?" He asked.

I sighed then nodded. "Good." He let go then walked into the classroom.

I followed him and saw the classroom nearly empty.

My eyes locked on to Mitch, I can't believe he even showed up, Travis wasn't even here.

I walked up to Mitch, he glanced up then immediately looked away.

"Not gonna do anything?" I asked him a bit sour but I didn't seem to mind.

"Shut up and get in your seat." Avi demanded me but I did not listen. "Haven't you gotten enough out of me?!" Mitch yelled at me.

"Just listen to my boys and leave me be!" He yelled.

"So you're too weak to be included in the group? Or are you just being lazy?"

"Nothing of the sorts Kirstin, just listen to them and we can have a talk later deal?" Mitch asked.

I nodded then obeyed Avi's commands and the then the teacher came in.

"A lot of students are missing from today's class due to a broken down bus, so we are just going to do a quick worksheet." He spoke handing certain people the papers.

"Um, why do only certain people get the papers?" A girl asked slightly confused.

"Well, that's because you're working with partners." He laughed.

"Okay your partners are Natalie, & Sammie, Avi & Kevin, Scott & Alex, and Kirstie & Mitch."

I sighed "Great, I'll just have to do all the work.." I mumbled.

Mitch came over and sat down he than took the paper right out of my hand.

He seemed angry, upset, and fills with sorrow. "I-I could help too?" I offered he shook his head. "Just wanna get this shit over with." Mitch said.
"But I do not wanna get a bad grade." I argued.

He looked at me. "I can put a little effort into it now back off before I-!" He stared at me, sighed and shook his head.

It was as if he stopped himself from hurting me......

I examined more of him as he continued to work.

He had that black jacket along with a black shirt under and a choker on with some blue jeans, also some simple shoes.

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