Without Him

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Kirstie's POV:

After yesterday I went to school and like Jeremy said he wouldn't be there.

I walked into the school, everybody was loud as always.

I walked to my locker, opened it and got the stuff that I needed I was waiting for Mitch or someone to mess with me like they always do.

But nothing happened, I didn't see none of the boys.

I walked into the class everyone was almost here expect for the boys, I was surprised maybe the people did do something with them.

As the teacher was teaching the lesson, I just couldn't focus.

Even known the boys weren't here, all I could think about was Jeremy. I'm worried about him I hope he's okay.

"Kirstin, what have I been saying this whole time?" She asks me.

I take notice that she was talking to me, I looked at her. Blankly and confused.

"You weren't listening." She says a bit angrily, I sigh "Pay attention Maldonado or you'll be going to the office."

Geez, what is her problem? I wondered as she stared at me then turned back to the big TV.

At lunchtime I sat at a table alone, "Hey kit." I heard suddenly someone sat beside me.

"Jeremy?" I questioned and looked over but I was shocked to see Mitch.

"U-uh." He flips his pink hair "What? Not gonna speak? I'm not jeremy are you stupid?" I sighed.

"W-Why'd you call me Kit?" "Because, I can call you whatever I want." He said.

"Hey baby." I heard, Travis then came and kissed Mitch then sat across from him.

"Why are you guys coming at lunch?" "None of your business." Travis states then start chatting with Mitch.

I ignore their comments while I start to eat.

All of a sudden everyone got here.

"Hey Mitch." Scott said and sat across from me "Hey." Avi tapped Mitch shoulder to let him know he's here.

Then he sat beside me on my right side. "What up Mitch." Kevin said then sat beside Avi.

"Where's Alex?" Mitch asked Scott, "He wasn't feeling good today." Scott replied.

"Well, make sure he texts me about it." Scott nods at Mitch.

I noticed that Mitch was obviously the leader of the group and he liked to know where everyone was.

Suddenly I felt a hand crushing my food I gasp and look over.

"Avi!" I yelled. "What? It's not like you need it you fat bitch." They all started laughing at me.

Avi threw the food that he crushed straight on me.

Making it go almost everywhere, maybe a bit on Mitch. "Kaplan!" Mitch yelled.

"Watch it." Mitch said as he showed Avi some grub on his shirt.

I moved my food away then put my head on my arms.

"Are you gonna cry now?" Scott laughed then nudged my arm. I look up and hit him.

Instantly Mitch grabbed a fistful of my hair and pulled it back. "You really don't wanna play that game again do you?" He said to me.

"N-No." I say trying not to cry. "Then keep your hands off my boys." He said then let go of my hair.

I noticed that Kevin hasn't said a word. I took notice of everything because I don't want them doing anything.

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