Satisfaction & Kindness

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Kirstie's POV:

I feel as if I was back to the first day of school.

Meeting him was even a horrible mistake in which, I guess was my fault everything seems to be my fault.

Everything is so unfair, I hate it, I hate him.

I always will, he hates me, he always will.

Once again I find myself getting slammed against a wall by him.

I've learnt my lesson to not speak, to not even take in a breath.

His hands travel down my back to my waist, roughly, forcefully coming closer.

"You are my property, I control you  not you nor your mother."

"You hear me!" He screams into my face.

His voice echoing off of the walls of the empty halls, I could tell he was testing me.

I shall not speak, I'll get it good for he was so angry at the moment.

I never know why! Why is he so angry? I assumed that he is still heartbroken and he's taking it out on me.

I'm his punching bag, his way to let out all the negative feelings.

No one was out here, nor did anyone care if I was getting this unreasonable attention.

This is not the attention that I would ever want. "Good girl, you really have learned your lesson." He said.

He takes his hands off me I sigh in relief.

I start to walk away but I'm pulled back by the sudden grip of his strong arm.

He slams me against the wall again, oh how I wanted to scream at him. "Did I say you could leave?"

He questions me but yet tests me, if I dare to speak.

"No, I did not so do not walk away from me! Ever." His voice was so loud, so powerful.

His hands are so strong, never weak in the moments of despair even if he is filled with sorrow.

He than grabs my waist again and gets closer to me.

I almost cry out in fear of what he was doing, I don't need anymore marks.

He stares into my eyes, he puts his forehead onto mine.

He then breathes in and slams his lips onto mine.

I gasp at the sudden satisfaction that he craved at the moment.

He moans in between the kiss, I was in disgust I wanted to push him off and give him a beating myself.

He then pulls away in the need of air, he takes heavy breathes.

He looks up at me, I didn't know what emotion to fake, what emotion he wanted on my face.

So my face goes blank even known I was completely disgusted at the moment.

"Just because I wanted to taste you doesn't mean I show affection for you." He says then pushes his self off and walk away.

"You're free to go....for now." He says, not looking back and turns a corner down the hallway.

I fall down onto the floor, completely shocked at what he has done.

What the fuck?

"Where is Mitch?" I hear a voice come upon me.

I look, it was Kevin he didn't call me a name which was odd.

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