Fighting Back

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Kirstie's POV:

Mitch has really been backing down since Travis came and kind of saved me in the moment.

It's been a couple weeks and no one has spoken to me, beaten me.

I've been hanging out with Travis all day, everyday anything to keep me away from those boys.

I finally felt safe, and I believe that Travis has changed for the good.

In this situation someone was finally stronger than Mitch and that was Travis.

Travis knew that Mitch was sensitive, it's hard to believe but Mitch does have a different side to him.

At least that's what I hear from Travis. Travis knows how to tung on Mitch's feels.

He knows Mitch so well, it was like Mitch was his little baby, but that baby was one bad boy.

I walk to my locker, I made sure Travis was right there in case anyone would come to me.

"Got everything?" He asked, I smiled and nodded and then we both entered the classroom.

Mitch looked up at the sudden noise of the door opening, for once we were very early and somehow Mitch was always early.

So it was just me, Travis and Mitch inside the classroom at the moment.

Travis than broke the tension that was starting to rise. "Mitch? Get your feet off that table now!" Travis yelled at Mitch harshly.

Mitch glanced over only at Travis and stared. "Watch this." Travis whisper to me.

"Mitch, honey please take your feet off the table your feet belong on the floor." Travis said in a more nice, calming tone.

Mitch grunted and moved them off, for Travis knew how to somewhat control Mitch and his attitude, maybe even control his actions.

During lunch, Travis had a little talk with me. "You know Kirstie, you just have to show him that you are your own person."

"You have to come back stronger than he will, you have to put him in his place only in the right ways." Travis said. I nodded and knew what I could do, I felt powerful.

Kirstie begins to feel a little over confident with Travis's ability over Mitch and his actions.

She begins to actually try and fight back Mitch when he starts a fight.

Kirstie's POV:

Mitch had stopped me while I was walking home.

"I see you have been hanging around with my ex eh?" He said throwing his books down walking towards me a little fast.

He looked outraged. "I'm gonna fuck you up." He said then almost grabbed me that's when I kicked him right in the groin.

He gasped, then fell to the ground. "Not today Grassi!" I yelled then kicked him in the stomach.

He groaned in pain. "I'm the one in control now!" I actually smiled and kicked him again, it was as if I was going crazy.

Mitch breathed in and out harshly, he clutched his stomach as if I kicked him a little too hard.

I heard him start to cough really hard, then he started to gag leading to heaving until the condiments came up and out.

He was puking, gasping for air once his body made him stop.

Kirstin didn't realize how bad she was actually beating Mitch, for she was sick and tired of him completely.

"Kirstie! What the hell!?" She heard from a distance, Kirstie turned and looked and saw Travis running towards her.

"This isn't what you should be doing! This is not what I meant by coming back! This isn't coming back stronger!?" Travis yells.

"B-but he came to me! Tried hurting me once again! And you tell me to not fight back? Finally get my revenge? Where's my victory? More like where's my break!" Kirstin yells.

"Mitch are you okay!?" Travis seemed to completely ignore Kirstie and go to Mitch he was worried.

Mitch had a blacken eye, and bloody nose maybe even a busted lip and he was crying.

Showing emotion, he never does so this was rare and maybe a little scary for it was abnormal for to see someone so strong, so hardcore, so powerful breakdown.

"Kirstie!" Travis yelled once more.  "How could you!"

"How could I? He's beaten me up so many times! Why are you taking his side now the one time I beat him up!?"

Mitch cried into Travis's arms, Kirstie stood there not knowing what to do.

"F-Fuck you!" Mitch screamed trying to get out of the grip that Travis had him in, he tried to beat Kirstie.

"Shhh, calm down Mitch." Travis whispered wiping away the blood that was spilling out his nose.

Kirstin stared at Mitch, she has never seen him so broken for this was way worse than that one time in the hallway.

"Get off Travis! You hate me! You shouldn't be caring for me! I can take care of myself!" Mitch argued right in Travis's face.

"Fine, but don't attack Kirstie." Travis said than let go of Mitch.

Mitch stood up staring at Kirstie, Kirstie was scared but she then crossed her arms at him.

"You s-show quite a beating." Mitch simply says, for some odd reason Kirstie really wanted to apologize to Mitch.

"You will pay f-for this." Mitch spoke with a weak voice, he turned and ran away.

Kirstie's POV:

I turned back to Travis he sighed harshly. "Why would you do that?" He asked more calm.

I looked down ashamed. "I-I don't know Travis I just wanted to give him a taste of his own medicine." I explained, glancing up at him. 

"I know Kirstie, but you see Mitch wants, needs to hurt others he can be so possessive, so hurtful, he can beat you down to a pulp." 

"But, you never know why do you?" Travis questioned.

I shook my head, Travis then did the same, shook his head at me and sighed.

"Mitch is abused. His father is just as bad as him, his father beats him everyday gets Mitch so angry that leads for you to get beaten."

"How come I never see any marks?" I ask.

"He uses makeup and long shirts, pants and jackets." Travis replies.

"He also cuts himself, not for attention he does it for himself because he believes now that he will never love again."

"He now believes that he needs to hurt others worse than before, worse than ever. He believes that if he has to be hurt everyday than others have to also." Travis explained to me.

"Mitch might be hard, powerful, scary, anything but trust me, he has another side to him." Travis says.

I nod, I was completely listening to Travis. "He is different, one of a kind."

"So you're saying that I can somehow change Mitch?" I asked.

"I'm not sure Kirst, I changed him only when he was around me but I don't know for you." Travis said I nodded.

"I need to go, it's way past the school time." Travis says, I nod in response.

"Be careful Kirst, don't be so harsh you have to be easy." Travis said than walking off.

"But what if that doesn't work?" I asked myself then sighed and walked home.

No matter what I do I still lose.

A/N: Kirstie beat up Mitch? Mitch is not be happy about that but will hie ever change? Will Kirstie ever change Mitch? Idek 😂

Love you!

The Bad Boys (Mirstie)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora