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Kirstie's POV:

I rode in the ambulance with Jeremy and the paramedics.

They asked me what had happened but I froze.

What would happen if I told them? Would the group get in trouble?


"I was beaten." Jeremy confessed to the paramedic instead of me telling them.

They nod "By who?" "Mitch Grassi, Scott Hoying, Alex Kirk, and Travis Wright. Find them and do something about this."

Jeremy said strongly as he felt weaker I could see it in his eyes.

I stare at him he smiled at me. "I'll be alright." I was scared but I had to be strong too.

I grabbed his hand and smiled back.

We finally made it to the hospital they took him out and leaded me inside to check in.

"Kirstin Maldonado." She nods as she types it in she can tell that I was scared and worried.

"Age?" "16." She nods "You have a parent around?" I shake my head "I'm the one who took Jeremy in."

"Okay, well I'll have to call your mom okay?" I nod.

"You can see him once he is ready I'll have a doctor get you." She smiles.

I go and take a seat in the waiting room. It was pretty quiet in here until random people would walk in almost screaming.

Probably because of injuries they'd be stopped by nurses from going anything farther.

Suddenly my mom walks in I get up "Mom." I say she turns and walks to me.

"Kirstin, thank god you're alright. I got a call and I thought you were hurt, what happened?"

"Mom, Jeremy was beaten by some bullies when I was with him."

"Oh my gosh." Right when I was talking a nurse came to me.

"You can see him now." I nod. "I'm going to sign myself in." My mom says and goes towards the front desk.

The nurse tells me Jeremy's room number I found it upstairs.

I slowly open the door he was awake to my surprise. "Baby." I say and run over to his side.

"Hey." He says and smiles at me. "I swear, they will pay for his." I say.

"Hopefully." He says and closes his eyes.

"I'm trying to be strong, I really am but everything hurts." Jeremy says.

"You don't have to be strong for me, everything will be okay." I grab his hand tightly.

Suddenly a nurse walks in she pulls me aside. "He's pretty beaten up but nothing broken but he's in a little pain so we're going to give him something for the pain then he should be good to come home."

"He should also come back for a checkup." "You might want to call his parents and tell them because they don't even know about this." She nods and walks back out.

I go back over to Jeremy he tried to sit up "Ah." He says and goes back down.

"Be careful." I say he tried it again and sits up "I needed to move." I nod.

A little later his mom came in so angry that she started yelling at me. "This is your fault! You did this to him! This is why I shouldn't let him near you!"

I was a little close to crying "Mom!" "It isn't her fault. It's stupid bullies that get on my last god damn nerve!" Jeremy yells.

She calms herself down. "I'm very sorry Kirstie." She sighs and goes to Jeremy's side.

"I-I should get going." I say getting my things "Wait!" Jeremy says.

I turn towards him he hugs me then kisses my cheek, his mother smiles. "I probably won't be at school tomorrow alright?" I nod and hug him again.

"Bye Mrs. Lewis." I say she hugs me. "Bye sweetheart sorry about earlier again." "It's okay." I say then walk out.

My mom takes me to go to bed.

A/N Sorry that this is so short 😕💗.

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