Chapter 14

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"What time is it?" I asked Troy, who was laying on my bed with Ty cuddled next to him.

He looked at his watch, "Five."

My eyes got big, "Well, my parents are about to drive up, so you have to leave." I picked Ty up and then attempted to push Troy out of my bed.

He shook his head, "I'm not leaving until you agree to go on another date with me."

"Fine, now leave," he got up and walked to my door. I heard another door open.

"Shoot," I whispered, "Follow me." I tiptoed through the halls and down the stairs. I got to the bottom of the stairs and then ran the back way.

"Mary, who's that car for?" My father yelled with my mom mumbling incoherent things. I held my hand up for Troy to stop.

"I don't know, maybe someone just parked it there," I lied. It was a terrible excuse, but I'm a terrible liar. I handed Troy the rabbit and directed him to go the back way. I made my way into the living room to meet my parents' fuming faces.

"Don't lie to us, Mary, we know it's that thing," my mother stated in a very rude manner.

"What thing?" I played as though I was clueless.

"That boy. The one who is lower than dirt," she said.

I laughed, "Are you talking about your personality?"

My father and mother both shot me a glare, "You're grounded for three months. You can't have any contact with anybody. You can't see that boy again or go anywhere without our permission."

That made me angry,"It's not like you know if I'm home or not anyway!"

My parents' glares hardened and my mother screeched, "Go to your room!"

I shook my head, "No, but thanks for the offer!" I walked to the front door, but a hand grasped my wrist making me turn.

A hand slapped my cheek. I looked at my mother, her stare was full of hate. I turned and walked out of the door, this time with no one stopping.

I dialed Troy's number and asked him to pick me up down the road. A few moments later his car drove up to me. I got in and I reached to the backseat where Ty was. I grabbed him and snuggled my face into his fur.

  We arrived at Troy's mom's house. "She's at my dad's," Troy informed me as he got out of the car and ran to my side. He opened my door and he hugged me.

  "Do you mind if I stay with you for a while?" I mumbled into his chest.

  He asked me, "Which house do you want to stay at? Both of my parents would love for you to stay at their house, even though they are basically together 24/7."

  "Maybe here, it's a lot quieter," I told him.

  He nodded and we walked inside. I put Ty in the cage and then cuddled with Troy. I fell asleep fast with Troy stroking my hair.

•••Who's your favorite actor?•••

~~~Rockstar by Nickelback~~~

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