Chapter 1: The Enrollment

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Ok, my first fanfic ever and I hope this one survives. This is based off the Robert Downey Jr version of Sherlock not the BBC one. I thought it would fit better for some reason, I don't know. If you want to put it under the impression of BBC, go ahead but it is RDJ version for me.


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Chapter 1: The Enrollment

Charlotte Holmes is anything but ordinary. Her clothes, her conversations, her thoughts, even her classes. This particular class was anything but ordinary, especially for her. She wanted to be an actress when she grew up and this class didn't really scream 'actress'. It screamed 'detective, crime, murder'. She knew that once she took this class, she would be following in one's particular footsteps, yet she didn't mind at all. It just, well, fasinated her.

She took the flyer from the man's hand, a name tag that said D.I. Lestrade and observed it. She smiled at the flyer and mumbled something that caught the man's attention. "You intrested in crimes and such?" he asked her. "Not really something I'd want to do when I'm older, but this is quite intresting. I honestly don't know why I want to enroll now," she lied, she knew exactly why. "I'm sure you'll love it. Come and enroll, you seem like a great kid to have in the class," he said handing her a pen. She took it with caution and wrote her name. She then left with the flyer in her hand and ran to tell her friend Hamish the class she decided to enroll in this year.

It was a week before classes started in the London Academy for the Gifted and the students had started to settle in their rooms. This was Charlotte's second year here and her best friend Hamish Watson's fourth. Charlotte ran towards his room in the b-wing and barged in there panting as she ran around the school just to find him.

 "Watson! Great news, you won't believe the class I got!" she pants, landing on his bed with a thud and sorting her books out. "Not now Charlotte, I'm typing," he said fixing his eyes on the typewritter in front of him. He had just got his classes delivered to him the day before her and he was pleased with the classes he got. Charlotte on the other hand, he questioned hers a lot. He had a feeling this one was going to be the strangest of them all.

"Here it is, the class that could change our lives forever!" she said with a devious smile. "Ours? How does this involve me?" he stopped typing and faced her. She had the biggest grin on her face. "You want to pursue you're goal in life as a journalist, am I right?" she said jumping on his bed. "You have known that for some time now." "And I need something to keep me pre occupied from this wretched hell whole!" "Yes Charlotte, I understand now get to the point!" he frustraitedly shouted.

"I am taking a class, a new class they offered here at the academy. It has criminal cases and scientific experiments and all sorts of investigation things! I'm going to take it and you are going to write about it!" she said squealing the last sentence out. "So, you want me to write about everything you do in that class? What am I, your personal biographer?" he laughed out loud in disbelief.

"Not necessarily, Watson. In the flyer they handed out," she threw it at him and he gave himself a papercut catching it wrongly, "they announced that an actual detective inspector -which I had recently met by the way- will come in and give us actual crime cases to work on! You need a good story right? I'll give you a great one! One that will be on the front pages for the next month!" she snatched the paper from him and shoved it in her book bag.

"Charlotte, how exactly are you going to do this? This class is for upperclassmen and Marian Gregory has had her stories on the front pages for the past three years now. I can't wait that long. Also, what's to say you don't even get the grand case you want, let alone even get enrolled in the class?" He got up and went to the restroom to bandage his finger.

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