Chapter 7: Merry Christmas Part 1

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It's time for Charlotte to get a little social! Hamish drags her along to his girlfriend's party and meets an unexpected guest. She calls him her "frenemie" or however you spell it. It's a little long so happy birthday!

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Chapter 7: Merry Christmas Part 1

A week had passed since Charlotte and Hamish had solved the Bank Robbery case and just recently finished Wagon Blood. "Now, on to the next file!" she was about to grab the last one but he stopped her. "No, you have had enough time with these cases. You have two more weeks to give it to Lestrade so why finish it now? Just take a break." "Fine, but what do you want me to do? Uncle Mycroft is too busy for me to spend Christmas with him so I no longer have my form of entertainment!" "Snooping around in the hidden files of the British Government is not suppose to keep you entertained. You weren't even suppose to look at it in the first place!"

"Uncle Mycroft says it's fine, he practically IS the British Government! Besides, it's not like he hides the most important information there anyways," she said, plopping herself on her bed with a loud groan. "What to do, I'm bored Watson!" He sat down on the chair across from her and pondered at what the thirteen year old genius could do to keep herself busy. A smile appeared on his face and he snapped his fingers. "I got it! Charlotte, come with me to Nancy's party, it's perfect, it will give you the chance to socialze and make some friends," he said excitedly. "Why would I want to go to your girlfriend's stupid Christmas party anyways?"

"Charlotte, please! You complain how bored you are when you have nothing to do well now I am giving you something to do! Come with me to her party tomorrow it will be fun!" He looked at her with his pleading blue eyes and finally gave in. "I will give you two hours maximum and then I'm off." She was not pleased with this at all.

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The party would start in half an hour and Hamish was ready to go. He slicked his light brown hair back and wore a faded old green scarf to compliment his attire. "Charlotte, are you almost done?!" he shouted from the bottom of the stairs then went to the mirror to fix his bow tie. She came down momentarily wearing a beautiful sparkled red dress, her long, black, wavy hair bounced as she stepped down the stairs. He looked at her in awe and smiled at how elegant she looked.

"Marvelous as always, Charlotte!" Dr. Watson said as he entered the room with Mary. "I hate it. It seems so, unnatural!" she said facing him. "It's only for a little while darling, now be careful and don't let anything happen to her, got it!" Mary said as she fixed Hamish's scarf on him. "Yes mum, I got it. We'll be back no later than ten!" he said as they walked outside into the snow.

Charlotte fidgited in her fluffy coat the whole ride there. She decided she would rather freeze than be wrapped around in a polar bear's fur (FIGURE OF SPEECH PEOPLE! NOT AN ACTUAL POLAR BEAR!). Hamish took out a box from his coat pocket and smiled at it. "What's that?" she asked. "For Nancy, it's a charm braclet," he showed her the braclet and she noded in approval. "It's lovely, but I'm surprised you didn't get a ring instead and propose to her tonight before some other bloke does." She looked outside the window marveling at the snow.

"What do you have against Nancy that you hate about her?" he complained. "She's not worth your time, Watson! She isn't worth our time at all! You may not know it, but she isn't intrested in you! Sure, she invited you to her party, so what? I'm sure she invited all the boys in the Academy at her party just to try each and every sample!" she argued. "Nancy is NOT like that, Holmes! She is a nice girl and she sets her priorities and values straight!" he yelled back. "I know Nancy Porterman, she was caught shagging some boy two years older than her in the supply closet a year ago, did you not remember that?"

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