Chapter 10: Unwanted Help

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Chapter 10: Unwanted Help

A week had passed since Charlotte and Hamish recently looked at their new case. It had been a month since they've had the case and sadly, they only knew the basics. The Missing Kidnapper had fourteen people hostage over the last six years including Sherlock and two years later had seven more. It aggravated her realizing this was nothing like the cases Lestrade gave her for class or the break. Of course she knew that, but she didn't expect to know so little of what she was dealing with. He was right! There is practically nothing that is of use to us. 

"I just can't believe after all this time, we know nothing about what we're dealing with!" she screamed as they entered the b-wing. "Quiet, someone will hear you!" "Not that they'd care what we're talking about!" They entered Hamish's dorm and she paced the room angrily. "Edward, can you give us a minute please?" Hamish asked as his roomate was relaxing on his bed. "God, why can't you ever go in to her room or the library or something? I'll be back until tomorow, going over to Andrew's" he huffed and slammed the door behind him.

"Andrew? As in Andrew Moran? Since when did they become aquainted with eachother?" she asked him. "Why, does it bother you?" he chuckled. "A bit, yeah. Anyways, the Kidnapper's name is still unknown, as well as his wearabouts. I need to know answers, this is not what I was expecting at all," she threw Edward's books across the room in fury and Hamish rapidly went to pick them up.

"Are you crazy? He's going kill me, let alone if anyone finds out you're making all this racket!"           "Watson, I've been going into your dorm for the past two years now. No one has yet to report anything about us, even Edward, so stop rambling and help me think!" she complained. He sighd and dropped the books back on the floor. It was silent for an hour then Charlotte went into Hamish's bed. "What are you doing?" he questioned.

"What's it look like I'm doing? I'm tired and I need to rest," she said and put the covers over her. "No! Charlotte absolutley not! Edward is going to come back shortly and where am I suppose to sleep? What will happen when they see you walk out of our room?" he asked nervously. "Relax, I'll be gone before the sun rises and besides, he won't be back until tomorrow anyways, remember?" she said calmly. He stared at her in astonishment and gave up. He retired to Edward's bed and both slept in silence for the rest of the night.

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There was a knock on Hamish's door. He got up and opened it to reveal his father who entered the room shortly. "Dad, what are you doing here? I know it's the weekend, but it's only been a month of school," he asked. Charlotte fiddled with Edward's violin before looking at Dr. Watson. "I think I might agree with junior over here, what exactly are you doing here?" she asked, pointing at Hamish with the bow.

"I heard you got the case already. I wanted to see how far you've progressed," he stated. "You took a train and wagon all the way over here just to see how we are doing?" Hamish asked baffled. "Of course. Also, Lestrade asked me to come, a bit of help would do for the both of you," he replied smoothly. They both looked at himin disbelief but both knew they couldn't argue with the great Dr. Watson.

"Alright, fine. We were just on our way to Scotland Yard anyways. Lestrade said he had something to give me so might as well see what we're up to," Charlotte stated. Charlotte set the violin down and exited the room with the Watsons. They exited the school and got into a carriage, making their way into traffic. Charlotte cursed under her breath.

"What have you gotten so far?" John asked as they were slowly moving because of the men shoveling snow away from the road. "Absolutley nothing. Lestrade thought we had a good lead so far, but this is mostly rubbish on the notes that were included on the file," she huffed. "But, we will find something eventually. I know it's a long ways from finding anything but we will get our information," Hamish reassured her. She nodded and trafic picked up it's pace.

After what seemed like ages to Charlotte, they made their way into the Yard and scurried into Lestrade's office. A kncok was heard on his door but soon it burst open without his say. "You said you had something to give me, what is it?" "Well good morning to you too, Holmes," Lestrade scoffed and got up to greet John. "It's always a pleasure to see the good doctor," Lestrade greeted. "Likewise. I hope she hasn't caused too much trouble for you," he eyed her. She smiled slightly and looked to see the detective's answer.

"Not at all. Yet, of course," he chuckled. She furrowed her eyebrows and shrugged her shoulders. "I have something that I think is of importance to the case, and it also once belonged to your father's," the Inspector said, heading over to a cabinet. She followed him to the cabinet and took out a notebook. "His notes..." John trailed off. He looked at it as if remembering a thousand memories being played before him. "These were all the things your father wrote down that involved the case. He forgot it here the night he... well left." He handed the book to her like a fragile vase. 

She looked at it for a moment and then handed it back to Lestrade, who took it back in confusion. "I don't want it," she said. "Why? These notes helped him figure out some of the details that everyone and even he missed. They will help you in this case and in finding him!" he protested.

She noded her head in disagreement. "I want to start fresh. It's my case now and I want to solve it as if no one else had. I'm not saying I don't appreciate your thought of the book, but I don't want to solve the case knowing I went off of Sherlock's lead. I want to do this myself without his help," she stated and looked at Hamish. His eyes were of concern and worry.

"If that's how you feel, then so be it. The book will be in my office if you ever need it," he said and with that she left the room. "I'll hold on to the book," John said and gingerly took it from Lestrade. A sense of connection through Holmes was spread through his body. He felt happy that he held something of Holmes' possesion in his hands. Sure, he had all his stuff up in the attic, but remembering the notes he wrote down ten years ago gave him a sense of relief. Maybe even the warmth of his presence around him.

The Watsons left the office and caught up with Charlotte. They hauled a cairrage and went back to the Academy to be dropped off. John gave the book to Hamish and said he would be back next week to check up on them. "Dad, are you alright? Back at Lestrade's office you seemed a bit, I don't know."

"I'm fine. It's just, remembering that the book of notes he had years ago was still there, I..." he paused and looked away, trying to fight off tears. How he missed his companion, even after a decade. "You should keep the book for a while. Look over it and tell me if there is anything of use for us," Hamish said, giving the book back to his father. He smiled and pulled his son in for a short hug. After they bid their farewells, John made his way towards the station. 

Once inside the train, he skimmed through the book. He looked over how Sherlock's writing was scribbled all over the pages. He slid his hands over the smudged ink on the pages and shakily exhaled, a tear escaped and slid down his eye. How he missed his companion. How he missed his best friend, Sherlock Holmes.

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AWWWW them feels. It didn't really end up how I planned it to be but it's something. Until the next update :P


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