Chapter 2: I Need the Case

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WHADDUP!!! so, chapter 2 is now here. Enjoy it while you can, there might be something better along the way. Let's see how long I can keep it up shall we?

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 Chapter 2: I Need the Case

Charlotte had been in the class for a few months now and Lestrade saw everything he saw in Sherlock on her. Like a practical mirror! She was able to solve simple problems on the worksheet faster than everyone else and deduced people for the fun of it. She would make those stupid corny puns like her father to ease tension around the class when something was wrong and even Lestrade had a hard time not to laugh at some points. Her exam scores were unbelievable and he sometimes wondered if he should just let her help him on a new case he had.

Finally, the time everyone had been waiting for: the cases. Charlotte had been anticipating for this since he announced when the papers would show up. They finally did and she was excited. "The look of dissapointment on your face will give me so much joy when I tell you this; there are only five cases in my bag and you will be in groups of six for each case," he said. The whole class was dissapointed and all did synchronised "awes" because Lestrade knew two things. One, they all thought they were going to have their own case and two, five of them would be in a group with Charlotte.

Not everyone liked her because she was always right and she was always rude to them. Insulting them on how predictable they could be and how they see but don't observe. (A/N yes I do realise that I am pointing in the direction of BBC's but it kinda goes with her personality if she is a mini Sherlock so cope and deal with it!) He felt bad for her because she didn't really have many friends in that class, but he also knew she didn't mind. 

He saw Charlotte's reaction, a look of disapointment. He gave her sympathetic eyes but she rolled her eyes and looked away from him. He then started to read off the names of the people who would be in groups together. Charlotte was in a group of students who all hated her with a passion. She kept her face emotionless as they all gave her death stares. Mental note: reminde me to kill Lestrade! she thought to herself. Then, group by group, he gave them their cases by putting a folder out in front of them. Lestrade personally gave the folder to Charlotte. She opened the case and groaned in disgust. "What now Charlotte?" a boy from the group, Henry shouted.

"It's so obvious, I don't know how they could call this a case! She wasn't murdered, it was an accidental suicide witnessed by the brother!" "Well, can we see it before you solve it and ruin the project for us?" Henry said extending his arm out for the file. "Go ahead, not like you'll understand it anyway. If you'll excuse me, I'm going to go get an actual case and not some primary school puzzle!" with that she stormed off to the front of the room to complain to Lestrade.

"Charlotte, I hope you are happy with the case, I gave you the one that might trouble the ones in the class the most," he said very proudly. "Thank you, but I prefer something that will actually make me think. The sister wasn't murdered by the brother, she killed herself accidently with the knife she had in her hand as a threat weapon but the wet floor caused her to slip backwards and stab herself in the stomach the brother only held on to the knife as a regret symbol as a reminder to why 'he killed his sister', is it not that obvious to you people?"

Lestrade was very impressed that she said it in just one breath, but didn't understand why she needed something to make her think. "What is your request then?" he said crossing his arms and leaning beind the desk. "I want my own case," she requested. "Which one would you prefer then?" "The Missing Kidnapper case." He laughed a bit at her request but she looked at him in the most serious way possible. "You're serious?" he said as he slowly realized, she wasn't kidding.

"Why wouldn't I be?" she said raising her voice a little. Lestrade pulled her outside the classrom and looked at her in anger. "Charlotte Holmes, if I would have known that you wanted this case in the first place, I would have never enrolled you!" he said furiously. "Is this the only reason you took intrest in my class? Just to have this case?" he was yelling at her and one of the teachers came outside from the classroom to tell him to quiet down.

"Of course, I saw this as an excellent oppertunity. Why would I pass it?" she replied trying to keep calm. "Charlotte, you are an excellent student and a natural genius-" "I know that, Watson tells me this a lot it's no surprise." "Let me finish! But this case, it's not just up for grabs or because you are bored," he tried to explain but this wasn't why she wanted it at all.

"Lestrade-" "This is a highly classified case that has been closed for many reasons!" "Yes, but-" "You simply can't have it because you believe you can solve it like these other ones. These cases I gave them are simple ones that they can solve in a week or two," "I can obviously see that, but-" "There is no reason on Earth that you should have this case just for your amusment and-" "DAMN IT LESTRADE, LET ME SPEAK!" she yelled and realized bypassing students looked at her questionably.

She sighed and began. "I don't want this case because I am bored or because I can proove to them I am smarter than them. They obviously know that part, but that isn't the point!" she looked at him, hoping that he understands what she is about to say will make sense."Charlotte, why do you want this case?" she looked away from him for a moment, caught her breath and said, "I have reasons to believe that Sherlock Holmes was taken by The Missing Kidnapper. I want this case to find him. I need this case."

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DUN DUN DUUUUUUNNNN!!!!!! yeah, you probbably already saw that coming, I think. Well, CLIFF HANGER TIME ^.^ As you may guess, Lestrade will give her the case so no point in me asking if she gets it. The real question is, HOW does she earn the case. Obviously he won't give it to her just cause of a heart breaking story. She has to earn it. Until next time kids :P


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