Chapter 3: Solve 3 for It

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New chapter is up YAAAAYYYY!!!! Enjoy it :)

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 Chapter 3: Solve 3 for it

"Charlotte," he trailed off. He never would have thought she wanted the case for this reason at all. Sherlock wasn't really one to raise children and word went around he abandoned Charlotte and his wife, Madeleine when the girl was only three. Lestrade believed he was dead, like the rest of the Yard did. London believed he went off with another woman. Both John and Charlotte were the only ones who believed he went MIA. Madeleine never really talked about him, ever. Charlotte didn't really know much since Madeleine was murdered when she was nine.

John Watson was the one held responsible for Charlotte all of her life. He raised her whenever Madeleine couldn't and Mary treated her like her own daughter. Sometimes she would stay over Mrs. Hudson's with Hamish if John and Mary ever went out to banquets and such since Madeleine was never really around. It wasn't that she was a bad mother or anything, she just couldn't find time to bond with her child with work and the latter.

But Lestrade thought it was crazy how after so many years, why would she want to find him now? "Lestrade, this may sound absurd, even for my reasons, but please! I need this case!" she begged him with her sorrowful chocolatey brown eyes. Lestrade looked into them. Just like her father's, so mesmorizing, he thought to himself as he saw them. "Charlotte," he sighed and motioned her to sit with him by the bench in front of the garden.

"Your grades and exams are phenominal! Your determination is impeccable, even for a young thirteen year old such as yourself. You have an amazing gift just like your father and a brain as well. I would absolutley love to give you this case," he said. She was grinning the whole time but she knew something was off. He looked at the smile slowly disappear and continued. "Unfortunatley, you are way too young, it is too dangerous and this case is highly classified, even for your father."

"You made an acception for him, why not for me?" she argued. "Have you not heard my reasons at all, Charlotte? It is just too dangerous and I just can't bear to let anything bad happen to you! You are just not worth letting go of!" he yelled grabing her shoulders with such force. It hurt her a little but tried not to show it. "I let my gaurd down for one moment and your father was gone. I can't afford to risk it again. I hope you can understand, please." He calmed down after a while and she felt angry. She wouldn't back down because of some sad tale.

"No, I don't care! I will find Sherlock and I will go to jail trying if I have to. It doesn't really matter because I'll escape and try again and again if necessary. This is Sherlock Holmes we are talking about, the world's greatest and only consulting detective! We need him back out there again. I have seen the cases Scotland Yard has been trying to solve and you are desperatley trying to solve them quickly like you used to when he was still around. Now you are failing miserably without him. You need Sherlock back and I will get him for you if you would just let me have the case!"

"I know this isn't the only reason you have for getting him back. There is something else, isn't there?" he asked and saw her eyes wander off away from his. There was a long silence between them and they heard everything around them. The bird's wings flutter, the soft breeze against the leaves on the trees, even the calm steady breaths of each other. He sighed deeply and shook his head and smiled.

"What?" she asked confused. "I am seriously going to regret this," he chuckled with a small smile. Still baffled, she looked at him in question and he got up. "I'll give you the case, Charlotte," he said. She jumped up in excitment. "But, you will need to proove yourself worthy of having them. I will give you cases to work on and if you can solve them by the time Christmas break is over, I might consider giving it to you immediatley once turned in." She squealed loudly and hugged him tightly wispering millions of thank yous into his coat. "Thank you, once again Lestrade! You don't know how lucky you will be once you have Sherlock back out there with you again." 

She giggled a bit then headed off, but Lestrade grabbed her arm and stopped here before she could go anywhere. "Charlotte, just remember, even if by some miracle you solve the case and catch The Missing Kidnapper, there is a slim chance that your father-" "No, I don't want to hear it. He's alive Lestrsade, I have a feeling he is. Deep down, I just know he isn't...dead. Please just let me believe this until I see it, can you do this for me?" she asked. He nodded slowly and smiled.

"I will give you the three cases the week before the holidays and you can bring them into Scotland Yard when you are through." He opened the door and let her in. She smiled her way inside and sat down with her classmates in their group. They were still discussing how the brother had murdered the sister but Charlotte didn't say anything. She had other things to think about than primary school puzzles.

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And as you have guessed, Charlotte has to earn her way by solving some cases. I don't know maybe you haven't guessed at all. Meh, well the chapter is up and the next will be out soon. Just gotta get school stuff out of the way first heh. Alright until next time kids!


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