Chapter 15: The Race to the Finish Line

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As you may or may not have read the A/N in the beginning of the last chapter, I am running out of ideas on how to continue this book, so I am just going to see how long I can stretch it out before I come to the final chapters. Damn, only a month into this book and I'm already sounding like it's about to end next week :/ Anyways, the kids are about to go on a wild goose chase around the streets of London just to get to their favorite detective, LET'S GO!

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Chapter 15: The Race to the Finish Line

They knew these recent discoveries on the victims, Flinch, and the ever so questionable TBP were far more important than lunch, so they decided to return back to the Yard to reveal to Lestrade about their new information. They exited their dorm and hurried to the front entrance, until they were stopped by the security guard that led to their freedom.

"Oi, where do you think you're going?!" he said trying to halt them in front of their exit. "We have to see Detective Lestrade about a case, let us through!" Charlotte said hurridly. He laughed at her response and she grew a bit infuriated. "Do you know where Mr. Welch is, the other security guard? If you speak to him he'll sort everything out for you," Hamish tried to explain, but the security guard regained composure and would not cooperate.

"Welch is in a bit of a family situation right now, so I'm on duty, therefore, you can't pass," he spat. Charlotte grew impatient with him and Hamish sensed it. "Look, you can talk to the Administrator, even talk to Detective Lestrade, we have the right to pass and you just have to let us go, please it's an enmergency!" he pleaded.

"My word is my word, and whatever I say goes, and my word is no," he growled. Already fed up with his threats she punched him in the stomach making him bow forward a bit in pain, just enough to be able to pressure point his neck and kick his chest hard enough to make him fall backwards. She tugged Hamish's hand and left the entrance with some students and other adults in the building looking a bit stunned at her latest action.

"Come on, we don't have much time before someone contacts the coppers!" she yelled, tugging his hand and in the other hand the notebook. "How and why the hell did you do that to him?" he yelled while trying to keep up with her. "Read a few books on how to attack someone with little to no effort and he seemed like the perfect person to test it out on, as well as he was wasting our time!" she responded.

"STOP, YOU OVER THERE!" a loud voice boomed from across the pavement, realizing the police had already been contacted earlier than she hoped, she led Hamish into a nearby mini market and exited out the back door. "Up there, climb the ladder and start running left on the rooftops!" she persisted, looking back and hurrying him to climb quickly. 

She climbed up shortly and ran ahead of him leading the way. "This is crazy!" he yelled to her. "So you'd rather get sent back to the Academy and get yelled by the Administrator?" she yelled back, hopping over one building to the other with a light thud. "Like this wouldn't ensure we would get yelled at either?" he exclaimed while climbing over a clothing line that connected one building to another. "I never said that!" she laughed as she hopped down from the roof to a tree and then into a window.

"Come on, Watson, keep up!" she panted as he stepped inside the window. They trotted down the stairs and got yelled at by a few of the maids of the house. Hamish yelled ocasional sorrys to them while trying to avoid the cleaning supplies being thrown at them. They reached the door and scurried out into the streets, hearing varied whistles from a few police men on other sides of the block. 

"This way!" she tugged on his jumper while heading towards the market places and shops around the block from them. They pushed their way through the food barrels, people blocking their way, and tents while avoiding a few of the police right at their tail. "They're getting closer!" he yelled worriedly. "Not for long they won't!" she then tipped over a table full of assorted jewlery and pearls which blocked their path from them and tripped a few men, making Charlote smirk in approvment.

They neared an alley way and Hamish thought they were trapped. "Give me a boost!" she commanded and he lifted her up onto the ridge of the wall and hauled him up shortly as well. They climbed up a nearby ladder and headed up the roofs again. "Scotland Yard is only half a mile away, as long as we stay on the roofs, we will make it there safetly!" she yelled beside him.

He nodded and they panted their way to Scotland Yard, growing tired and out of breath but never stopping. "UP THERE, STOP RIGHT NOW!" they would hear from below and the whistles being blown, she saw a few people look out from their windows to see two crazy children running away from the police on rooftops. Hamish jumped across the house in front first, then Charlotte followed, shortly slipping on a loose tile and falling quickly until she barley caught herself and grabbed on to the ledge  for dear life.

"HAMISH!" she yelled which stopped his tracks. He looked behind him but couldn't find her until he saw her body dangling from the side of the three storied building. "Charlotte! Hang on, I'll get you up right now!" he ran back to her. He grabbed both her hands and slowly hauled her up, trying to grip her as tightly as he could, but could feel her hands slipping. 

"I won't let you go, hang on!" he strained, pulling her up slowly. She tried to hold on to him as much as she possibly could but she could feel herself growing weak. "I can't hold on much longer!" she  cried out. "You have to, just hold on, almost got you!" and as she was about to lt go, he hauled her up just in time, both panting for air.

"We have to keep going, we're almost there," she panted and helped him up. They kept running and climbed down the building and landed on top of a hay barrel. They got up and ran around the corner only to be greeted by more than a dozen police men surrounding them from the entrance to Scotland Yard. They had absolutley no where to turn and run. 

Charlotte tried to look for a place to run but it was impossible, they were surrounded. Admitting to defeat, she sighed and held her hands up. When they go back to the Academy, they would be in a heap of trouble. "Wait!" a voice yelled from across the building. 

Lestrade emerged from the entrance and a wave of relief fell on Charlotte. She smiled at him in thankfulness but he obviously looked mad. "Let me deal with them, they're my responsibility anyways," he tried to reason with them, and after a few minutes of persuasion, the kids were let go and brought into the building, tired, and dirty.

"Please tell me that whatever reason you have for the police chasing you around all of London is a good one!" he yelled at her in fury as he led them into his office. "The only reason they chased us around is because apparently it isn't acceptable to attack a security guard when they refuse to let you pass, even with a reasonable explenation! We had no time to hail a wagon so we arrived by foot and ocasionally rooftop to get here," she explained.

He looked like he wanted to punch a wall at this point. "Why the hell would you do that? If you are trying to do everything you can to get that case taken away from you, it's working! Give me one good reason why I shouldn't take that case away from you right now!" he yelled at her.

"I know who the Missing Kidnapper is. I know that this might not be enough to get on with the case but now we have a jumpstart on it." His face softened for a moment and he relaxed a bit. "Okay, tell me everything you know," he said, sitting next to them as she explained everything.

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Sorry if this was not what you expected but I thought it was a pretty fun way to get the information to Lestrade :P I'll try to make the next chapter a bit more interesting I promise!


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