Chapter 4: Be Social and Take Strolls in the Park

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Well, here it is your new chapter!!! Sorry the last one was so short, I had to prepare for school. Do me a favor and try to leave a comment to tell me what you think so far. Maybe even some recomendations possibly? Plus if I get some of these British refrences wrong just remember, I AM AMERICAN DON'T MAKE ME FEEL BAD BY POINTING STUFF OUT SO HARSHLY! Just getting that out there. Moving on!

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Chapter 4: Be Social and Take Strolls in the Park

Three weeks have passed since Lestrade and Charlotte's chat about the case and she was excited about this week. This was the week Lestrade would give her a chance to proove she can do The Missing Kidnapper. She just didn't know when he would give her the three cases. In fact, she didn't even know what the cases were. She hoped they were challenging, not simple and predictable.

It was a slow Monday for her and she hadn't seen Hamish at all that morning. She waited for him in the dining hall to discuss about his father picking them up for their break. She waited impatiently for him to arrive while she was eating her toast and finally spotted him with a girl he was with. She looked at them for a bit and rolled her eyes everytime they laughed. Finally, after five minutes of them speaking nonsense, they parted ways. "Took you long enough!" she said finishing her tea. "Well, as you can see, I was busy," he said taking one of her pieces of bacon. "You aren't getting any food?" she asked. "No, I already ate with Nancy," he said happily.

"That girl you were assosiating with over there?" she said motioning to the young blonde girl giggling with her friends. The girl gave a polite smile towards Hamish and he waved at her. "Yeah, she's great. Her name is Nancy, I met her in chemistry, she was my lab partner for the project," he told her. She scoffed, she had more important things to do than waste time listening to his love life.

"You should try it sometime," he said. "What, giggling with boys? No thank you!" she got up and headed towards the library. "No, Charlotte I mean it! It would be nice for you to have some free time and enjoy the company of others." "I have you don't I? Isn't that enough to suffice you?" she said as she was returning two books about ancient Egyptian civilization. She started to take intrest in it ever since the project in Lestrade's class about the Persian Cat case.

"I meant besides me. Just, try to be more social and who knows, you could actually meet someone you like. Maybe go out with them or something," he trailled off. "Like you and Mandy?" "Nancy! Yes, just like us." They headed towards the Greek mythology section now. "I obviously have more things to worry about than being social and going out on strolls in the park and such, you of all people should know that, Watson!" she skimmed through her selections of books in front of her.

"Charlotte!" he turned her around to face him and pushed her against the bookshelf. They were close, and closer than he expected. She looked at him waiting for him to say something, taking too long, she preoccupied herself by fixing his crooked tie. "What are you doing?" he wispered harshly. "What's it look like, obviously you two have been a little busy yourselves and I'm only fixing the mess she made you," she said, straightening the tie and brushing off the dust on his shoulders from slamming her into the dusty bookshelf with a smile. 

"I was about to tell you something." "Yes, you took way too long so I kept myself busy," she looked at him with annoyance. He knew he had to get it out eventually. "Charlotte, I just want-" "Hamish?" a familiar voice called out from the end of the lane. It was Nancy. Remembering that he was extremely close to Charlotte, he backed off a bit and wiped his sweaty palms on his sweater.

"Nancy, um hello. What brings you here?" he asked a bit nervously. "Oh, calm down Romeo, you sound like a nervous wreck!" Charlotte said as she skimmed through the books as if nothing misunderstandingly OBVIOUS had just happened. "I was looking for you and I heard you were in the library, and well, here you are!" she giggled. He smiled a bit and looked back only to find Charlotte gone. "Anyways, I was wondering if you weren't busy over the holidays, you could come over to my place, I'm having a small Christmas party on the Eve." He gladly accepted and she wrote down her adress on a paper and handed it to him. 

"I'll see you in third hour!" she called back. "Great, See you!" he yelled back. He looked at the paper for a bit and noticed she doesn't live far from where he lives, just across town. The bell had rang and he saw Charlotte waiting for him outside the library waiting for him. "I'll be attending a Christmas party that Nancy invited me to," he said, trying to make small talk with her. "Wonderful, you can keep yourself busy and not always complain how you never have anything to do over the break!" she laughed. "I don't complain!" he argued. "My dear Watson, constantly," she smiled as they made their way into French class together.

Eventually, she'll ask about the plans with Dr. Watson's arrival time from the train station home. Eventually, he would have to tell her about it.

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What's done is done, I actually expected to write something else but this came up anyways. Next chapter, Charlotte with finally get her Holiday Homework yay! So once again, leave comments and maybe you could reccomend stuff that I should include you know, stuff like that. I promise, eventually you will know what happened the night Sherlock went missing but that is a little while away. Soon, my children :P


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