Chapter 19: Prisoners

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Hey kids! I hope you all had a very HAPPY THANKSGIVING :) And for those of you who don't celebrate, I hope you have a great weekend! So, we are about to get to the good stuff, I can't wait!

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Chapter 19: Prisoners

Charlotte was more than happy when Hamish woke up after being knocked out cold from the gun he was hit with at the University. "Are you ok?" she asked when he gained recovery. "Ugh, other than the fact I was hit in the head with a gun and have a severe headache, I'm fine," he tried to joke, but his head was throbbing. Charlotte had been untied after she was done with Flinch so she untied untied Hamish right after he left the room and set him on the nearest bed.

"Are you sure you're alright?" she asked, rubbing his head a little to soothe the pain. "Charlotte, I'm fine, honestly. Don't worry about it, it's alright," he insisted. She nodded her head and he hugged her, trying to persuade her that it was alright. It wasn't, it was anything but alright. They were The Missing Kidnappers victims. They were his prisoners, and they wouldn't know for how long either. Hopefully not for long, she thought.

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In total, it had been five days, maybe a week since they had been kidnapped and left in the room alone. The nights were cold and they huddled together for warmth on their beds, with the only source of heat were the thin blankets and a dim light coming from the open slot from their door for the food to be slid down.

"We need to get out of here," Hamish said one night. "No, we stay here. Sherlock might be in this building," she responded. "For all we know, your father could be in another part of this building, he could be somewhere else, he could be dead! We need to save ourselves!" he argued.

"NO! We have come too far to give up now. We are in the lair of Flinch's demise and I agree, we have to get out, but of this room and search for the other victims and get them out," she said.

He sighed, "Did you plan this? To get taken by these men?" "Of course not! Why would I put us in this much danger?" "So you admit that you would do something like this?" "Don't you know me at all, Watson? I didn't intend for this to happen, but it's a good lead for us so far. Get some rest, we might need it tomorrow."

The next day was the same as the last, wake up with the smell of breakfast, eat it, and wait. They didn't know exactly what they were waiting for, but they were hoping something would happen soon. It was tiring just doing absolutley nothing all day. Imagine doing this for fifteen years? Hamish thought.

Flinch came in sometime after dinner and greeted the frowning children with a grin. "Evening kiddies! Did you like your dinner? I made your's extra special, I put in a biscuit for you," he smiled proudly. Charlotte scowled at him. "Fine, I guess the next time you won't get any sweets then. I tried to make your stay a bit more hospitable but you don't seem to take this offer of gratitude kindly!" he growled. 

"What are we doing here?" she snapped. "You are in a cell waiting for the last of my victims to arrive, and then we can depart to our destination and our plan can take it's course," he said. "What other victims? Where are we going and what plan?" she asked. "Settle down, child! You love to ask questions don't you, your father never asked this many questions!" he complained.

"Well, since I am part of your master plan, it would be fair if I could get some insight of your plan at least! Tell me this then, is Sherlock here?" she asked. "All in good time, lights out in a bit kids!" and he left the room.

She threw the tray of uneaten food at the door and yelled. "Where is he Flinch? Tell me where Sherlock is or so help me I will give you such a slow and painful death, you wish you would have been dead already! Flinch, listen to me you sodding twat!" she yelled and banged against the door. She breathed heavily after five minutes of yelling and threatning. Hamish slowly walked toward her and put his hand on her arm, she spun around quickly and grabbed it, almost threatning to yank it off.

She then let go of his hand and stomped to the bed. She sat on it and said, "Don't bother to comfort me, what good would it do anyway? I'll see you in the morning." He said goodnight and walked to his bed, put the thin sheet over him and listened to Charlotte pound at the door again a few minutes later. He shivered.

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The next morning was a silent one. Breakfast was silent, the rest of the day was tense, lunch was stressful, and the it was silent until the last of the rays of sun showed any light. "Do you think they miss us?" Charlotte asked Hamish. "Of course they do, why would you ask that?" he asked. "They wouldn't miss me, I've caused them so much trouble over the years. The only reason they're looking is because they want to find you. I mean, they stopped looking for Sherlock because he was so aggravating, if you weren't taken, they wouldn't look for me at all," she stated. "I would look for you, I would never stop searching," he comforted.

"Dr. Watson stopped searching for him, and he was the first person aside from your mother he would drop everything do anything for." "I'm not my father, I would look for you even if everyone stopped," he said. She nodded and lay back on the bed.

Dinner arrived shortly and they ate in silence. Once they were done, Flinch arrived and his men grabbed Hamish forcefully by the arms and dragged him out. "What do you think you're doing?!" she yelled at him. "You make a valid point dear, I heard your conversation through the door and it would be much easier to keep you here if your boyfriend wasn't around. They are only searching for you because of him, take him out!" he shooed his men away and Hamish's grunts and effortless kicks could be heard echoing in the hall.

"My hospitallity was growing thin. You don't deserve nice things, anyway, what makes a thirteen year old child any diffrent than a forty year old victim? Both of you are mine and you should be treated just the same," he smirked.

"You deserve to go to hell," she said. "But darling, we're already here. Anyways, I see no point in keeping him so might as well just kill him..." "NO, DON'T YOU DARE PUT A HAND ON HIM!" she lunged towards him but his men pulled her back. He laughed as she kicked and flailed. "Fiesty, aren't we?" She looked at him with cold eyes and he smiled deviously at her. "Why don't we play a game, hm? If I win, I can kill Hamish boy right before your very eyes," he said. "And if I win, he lives and you will tell me everything I want to know about your plan," she spat.

He laughed maniacly and shook her hand with force. "It's a deal then! Now, get some rest, we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow, so sleep tight," he said. His men let her go and walked out. "What about Hamish, will he be alright?" she asked. "All in good time," he smirked deviously and he walked away, slamming the door forcefully behind him. 

"Flich? Flinch, get over here! I'm not done with you yet! Flinch, get over here!" she yelled against the door. She heard the sound of faint yelling come from across the hallway. "FLINCH DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH HIM!" she punded against the door, yelling curses and trying to knock the door down, but the big metal doors wouldn't budge open.

"Don't touch him, Flinch! Hamish! Hamish!" she wailed, but no one heard her. She pounded on the door one final time and yelled in agony. There was absolutley nothing she could do now. All she could do was wait. So she layed down on her bed, closed her eyes and waited.

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DUUUN DUUUUN DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNN!!!!!!!! I am so pumped for the next chapter! I can't wait to write it, but then I realized, only a few more chapters until the end :( But, at least we have these remaining ones so no worries kids. See you on the next update!


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