Chapter 8: Merry Christmas Part 2

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Yaaayyy! This is a cute little chapter XD or, at least I think so. GREAT NEWS! By now, you are probably thinkinh 'it's great and all that we are introduced to Charlotte and all, BUT WHERE THE FUCK IS SHERLOCK AND THE CASE AND SHIT?!?!' No need to get all pissy, the next chapter is when we get down to buisness and oficially start searching for Sherlock :)

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Chapter 8: Merry Christmas Part 2

It was a beautiful, snowy morning in Baker Street and the whole place was up and about, singing carolers and the smell of fresh baked gingerbread filled the street. Mrs. Hudson went all around the flat jingling a bell and shouting "Merry Christmas" so loudly, Mary thought Buckingham Palace was able to hear. John and Mary were in the kitchen preparing breakfast for the kids, who would soon wake up. Hamish ran towards Charlotte's room and pounded on her door. "Wake up, Charlotte! It's Christmas, and Christmas means gifts!" he yelled through the door gleefully. At the botom of the stairs, John was laughing to himself as he heard his son exclaiming about gifts.

"Oh, Watson! Perfect timing!" she shouted back. She groaned and slowly rolled out of bed. She took out the gifts she wrapped from under her bed and brought them down the stairs and set them by the Christmas tree they decorated a few nights ago. "Morning Charlotte, how was the party last night?" Mary asked as she set a plate of food in front of her. "It was alright, but you shouldn't be asking me that question. Ask your son, he did most of the socializing."

"It was great! The music was lovely, I met some of the kids from the Academy there who weren't out on me trying to write about them, and the egg nog was delightful." Charlotte nearly spit out her water. "That drink, you call egg nog, was... delightful? It tasted like someone vomited in it, dumped it in mud, recollected it and drizzled it with sugar! It was disgusting!" she retorted. They all stared at her and went back to breakfast.

"Can we open presents now?" Hamish asked after finishing his breakfast. "Of course, lets go to the family room." John motioned them to go in the living room and Hamish was plopped under the tree trying to find his presents.

Mary got a pearl neclace from John, a china set from Mrs. Hudson and a novel from Charlotte. John got a new pocket watch from Mary and a tie from Charlotte. Mrs. Hudson got a scented candle from Hamish, a new dress from Mary and John, and a new tea kettle from Charlotte. Hamish got a novel from Mrs. Hudson, John's old type writter, and a new green scarf from Charlotte. Mycroft also sent his regards by giving him a file that said 'classified' on it. Charlotte snatched it from him before he could even touch it.

"Well, this has all been great, but I think I will go back into my room and finish my cases. Merry Christmas to you all, thanks for the gifts and I will see you for supper," she yelled as she made her way up the stairs and slammed the door in her room. "I'll go talk to her, I think I might get something out of her," Hamish said as he left his gifts on the floor and parents baffled by her previous show.

He knocked on her door three times before entering. She was putting the gifts aside near her chair and grabbing some papers to read before she plopped on her bed. He saw it had a word 'Moriarty' in it so he assumed that this was one of the papers she stole to read from his father's study. It was her favorite adventure of Sherlock and John and never got bored of it.

"Would you mind explaining that scene that just happened down there?" he said, lounging beside the doorway. "Don't like Christmas, never had and I thought I told you all many times ago, I don't want gifts!" she eyed him as she sat up on her bed. He closed the door behind him and sat across from her on the bed. "Charlotte, whatever Mycroft did to you in Switzerland at that party he made you attend, forget it! It was a joke and-" "I know it was a joke! But that party wasn't the reason I didn't like Christmas in the first place. It was a year before that, you weren't there, so forget it."

He sighed, knowing he wasn't going to get anything else from her. "Why not open the gifts, at least see what you got anyways?" he said gesturing the sloppy pile of gifts on the chair. "I already know what's in it. Dr. Watson got me a book, what good doeas a book do for me, really? Mrs. Hudson got me a blouse, the only thing I think I might actually use, and you got me jewlery. Honestly Watson, you of all people should know I don't like jewlery!"

"You aren't even going to look inside it at all?" he asked, slightly hurt. She sighed and got off the bed to retrieve the small box and opened it in front of him. She looked at it and quietly gasped. It was a medium sized gold heart shaped locket. She opened it and inside it read, "Brilliant -HW" she smiled at it and he got it from her hands. He helped her put it on and she just looked at the locket, astonished and happy. "Brilliant is what you are, Charlotte. Don't ever forget that it is the first word that pops into my mind when I think of you, absolutley brilliant." He pulled her in for a hug and she gladly embraced it.

"Thank you, Hamish. I love it" she wispered into his chest. He kissed her on the forehead and left to go back in the family room. She lied down on her bed and closed her eyes. She held on to the locket and smiled as she kept on saying the words brilliant to herself. Because brilliant is what Hamish described her as, and brilliant is all she ever wanted to be. Finally, she could prove it.

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AWWWWEEEEE how cute!!!! ^.^ anyways, next chapter is when Charlotte starts solving some crime yeah! Remember, I am not that great at the whole mystery thing so I'll try my best. See you in a bit, kids


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