Chapter 9: His Case

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HIIIIIIIII!!!!!!! Finally, the chapter you have been waiting for: CHARLOTTE STARTS TO LOOK FOR SHERLOCK XD About damn time too, I honestly intended to add a few more chapters before she starts to look for him, but it's about her finding him not how she lives her life, well partially but anyways, just wanted to apologize for not updating earlier than I hoped. I got a little sidetracked and once again SORRY!

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Chapter 9: His Case

It was a late Saturday afternoon and the kids just got off the train to return back to school from their holidays. Charlotte was only excited about returning because she got to see Lestrade. Well, she was actually excited about getting her case. She turned in the files four days before and grew impatient every day waiting for school. Hamish and Charlotte entered the school grounds and decided to eat after they dropped their belongings off in their dorms.

"I'll see you soon, then!" Hamish called out as he walked with Nancy to the dining hall. She hated her more than ever now. They had barley gotten back and she couldn't even eat lunch with him! I wasn't really hungry anyways. Might as well see if Lestrade is in. She went towards his classroom and knocked. She barley remembered classes don't start until Tuesday but surprisingly, he opened up.

"Charlotte, fancy seeing you here," he said motioning for her to come in. "I was more than likely to say the same about you," she replied and sat on the teacher's chair. "So, what did you think? I honestly thought the Biscuit Case would be challenging, it was to some of the men back at the Yard but I knew you would be able to figure it out in probably five minutes or something," he chuckled.

"It was a tad difficult, I have to admit but as you can tell, I did it. I don't mean to pester about this but I have been rather dying to ask you anyways. Can I have my case now? Please! This is a rare moment Lestrade, I rarely say please to just anyone!" she said, jumping up and down like a thirteen year old girl (that of course she is). He laughed at her reaction and finally managed to calm her down. "I'm sorry, I don't have it with me at the moment. You will more than likely get it sometime by Tuesday or the day after."

The look in her eyes was a look that Hamish would say was a rare moment in anyones life if they knew Charlotte. It was of true joy and happiness. She squealed and hugged Lestrade and jumped around the classroom. "This is wonderful! Finally, my first actual case and it's mine!" she exclaimed.

"Actually, it was your father's. It was his case to start but never finish with. I hate to make this sound cold but, you are basically finishing where he left off," he said trailing off. "How far has he gotten?" "Very, but he told me it was information of little use. Maybe when you see it, you can agree with his desicions or decide if it's enough to put us ahead of the game."

She nodded and slumped on a desk. A million thoughts were racing through her head. Lestrade could see the worry in her and walked beside her. "Charlotte, this case it... it was a tough one, even for your father. I understand that right now, you maybe rethinking your decision or worrying about if you can solve it but just know this, I'm right behind you every step of the way. If you need help, I'll be there, no worries," he patted her back and gave her a reassuring smile. She nodded and offered to help set up his classroom before classes start again. Knowing she would in fact be bored like this but didn't really have much to do, he agreed and for the rest of the day, reassembled the room to their likings.

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Tuesday rolled around quickly and the final bell rang and Hamish headed over to Lestrade's classroom to meet Charlotte. She asked him to be her personal assistant in helping with the case so he could also get a good point of view when he wrote about it. He was nervous. For one, he didn't really want to take part in solving crimes, it wasn't really his strongest point at all. Two, he didn't want to write about it anymore, the thought of publishing something a little gruesome on the papers of the school was odd. Finally, he was worried for Charlotte, what will she be like in the end of it all? Diffrent, more than likely, but for better or worse? That is what scarred him the most.

He knocked on the door to Lestrade's class and entered when he opened it. "Hamish Watson, nice to finally meet you. Charlotte has mentioned me to you on a number of occasions," Lestrade introduced. "Has she now?" he asked, looking at Charlotte. "Right, on to the case then, where is it?" she asked heading towards his desk. "Hold on! I'll get it, just sit patiently and I'll give it to you." Lestrade motioned her to sit down and she stomped back. Hamish looked amused at how childish she was.

"Here it is, now the only time you can look at this file is when you are under my supervision. This goes for you too Mr. Watson. You are not to discuss this around the public and not allowed to sneak in at night just to review it, Charlotte! This case will be in the third cabinet behind my desk, and remember not to open this cabinet unless I say so," he said handing them the file. They both noded in agreement and went to the back of the room to discuss about it.

Charlotte held the file in her hands, looking at it in discomfort. "Charlotte, are you alright?" Hamish asked. "Yes, I'm fine. I just, I never thought this day would come where I'm holding the same case Sherlock was suppose to solve," she said, her hands started to tremble. He took the file away from her and held her hands, which made her stop trembling. "Watson, I don't know if I can do this," she mumbled. "Charlotte, look at me. You wanted this case, you drove us all mad rambling about it and now you've got it. You told us all that you could solve this case and find your father, well you have the case! All you have to do is open it and let your mind do it's thing. Proove to us you can find him, I know you can," he said.

She exhaled slowly and grabbed the file. She looked at the case name 2378-The Missing Kidnapper. After a minute of collecting herself, she opened the case and both started to review it from the basics.

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Well, it's not much but it's something. Hope you are happy with it, I'm a little nervous to see how I can do this because like i said, I'm not good at writing mysteries. Cope and follow along :P


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