Chapter 12: Bluberries

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I was thinking about doing this part a chapter later but I just couldn't wait XD I know it's taking a long time for stuff to happen but I don't know how to do mystery stories even though I have read a shitload of those books. This really isn't my area but let's see how long I can last

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Chapter 12: Bluberries

John gave the book back a few days later. He mentioned to Hamish some minor details about what he read and thanked him. "How's Charlotte doing?" John asked him before he was able to re-enter his dorm. "She's a bit over the edge with the case and-" "No Hamish, you know what I mean." He sighed, sadly he knew exactly what he meant. 

"I'm scared, she's bound to go off any moment," he said worryingly. "You knew how to take care of it before don't worry." John gave him a reassuring look. "Yes, but this is diffrent, this whole situation is diffrent, I don't think that it will end smoothly this time. I know before that talking it out with her would work, but that was the first two times. The other time, she fainted for a few hours. Last time, it was for a day." He was shaking now.

Hamish remembered when they were little, Charlotte was always a thinker, questioned everything and always wanted answers immediatley even if she had to do it herself. When she was six, she wanted to know why the moon always followed her when she walked home from the library. She researched and thought about it for long periods of time until her brain  would no longer function properly. When her brain no longer functioned, she would ramble about nonsense and then hypervenilate from all the talking she did without breathing. Soon when that happened, she would faint and not wake up for what Hamish thought was forever.

"I'm scarred she won't wake up at all, how will I be able to keep her from not blacking out?" he asked his father. "Keep her mind away from everything for a bit." "How will I be able to do that? She will ignore everything I tell her. She barley sleeps and I'm lucky she still eats, last time she didn't eat for almost a week!" he freaked out at this point and John hushed him to keep calm.

"Look at me, everything will be fine, this is just a little stressful for her, ok? No matter what happens, she will be fine, just remember that. If she does black out, make sure she is still breathing and at normal body temperature. When she wakes up, keep her mind away from the case no matter what, got it?" John told him. He nodded and patted his back. "Everything will be alright, I promise. I'll be back in a few days, ok?" He hugged him and left the hallway. Hamish stood there for a few minutes before retreating inside to check up on Charlotte, who was at the edge of her sanity and quickly loosing it.

He entered and closed the door behind him, remembering he still held the book in his hand, he was finally going to make her use the notes no matter what she said. "Charlotte?" he called but she didn't reply. He called again but again no reply. He went to go see if she was alright and she was in his bed, sleeping. Thank God, glad she finally decided to get some shut eye, he thought. He went up to her and looked at the sleeping genius, peacful and sound asleep. He pushed the strand of soft black hair away from her face and tucked it behind her ear. Never had he thought she looked so relaxed and so focused in her sleep. He wrote down a note on a paper that read 'getting dinner, be back in twenty minutes' and left towards the dining hall.

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While he was at the dining hall, he met up with Nancy and ate dinner together. His twenty minutes were up and decided he should head back and check up on Charlotte, but his girlfriend thought otherwise. "Mish, why don't you ever have time for me anymore?" she asked in a whiny tone as he was about to get up. "Sorry, I just have to see if Charlotte's alright, she has been under a lot of stress lately and I just need to know if she is fine," he said trying to leave the table. "Wait, stay a while, for me, please? Only for a few minutes," she pleaded with a devious smirk. He sighed and nodded he was about to sit back down when she hauled him back up again, taking him out of the dining hall.

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