The X-ray

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Later on, I found myself on a hospital bed. Sam was standing next to me squeezing my arm reassuringly.
A nurse watched me sternly and then said, "Mandy how do you feel?"
I couldn't answer.
"Mandy you fainted!" The nurse replied. She told me the whole story and then have me the news that I had to have an x-ray!
"It was a bad beating up!" She notified me. Then she told me to lie down and wait for the screen to x-ray me. I was so astonished! I didn't think that those kids would end up sending me to hospital!

The x-ray was slow and weird. I felt really fuzzy and I still did for like, a week, afterwards. By and by, the x-ray was over and I was informed that I had an almost broken leg and I would have to have crutches.

All of this just hit me like an emotional wave. I started to sob and sob. I couldn't keep in all of the bad feelings from the beating up, the x-ray, my past and now I had to get crutches! As if I hadn't already got a bad enough life at school. These new crutches would bring a whole new drama into my already pathetic life.

I gazed up at the nurse with a hurt expression in my eyes. She smiled back down at me and just ensured me, "don't worry! It will only take 3 weeks for your leg to heal!"
I gasped. I know it wasn't a long time for crutches, but I'm not going to be able to bare the torment at school for a long three weeks! The sobs came back again. My face ended up being soaked from tears.

I had to spend the night in the hospital, Sam went back to the orphanage. So did the useless teacher and I was left in the hospital room with the nurse. She was busy sorting out medical papers and was no help at all.

I guess I'm going to have to comfort myself then! And last the night in this horrid hospital.

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