Truth and justice

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Sam's Pov.
Everybody came in after the baseball game outside. Mandy sighed as if something lovely had just ended and she'd not be able to experience it in a long time. Whatever it was, I hope she can experience it again.

Anyway, once all of the kids had come in, Kelly and Melissa told us that we'd all watch a movie now that we'd done exercise. Me and Mandy exchanged glances wearily. Great! Mandy hadn't ejected the disk from the TV! We were so busted!

Kelly walked over to the 'movie box', which was filled with rubbish kiddy movies, and picked one out.
"Who wants to watch Peppa Pig?!" She asked excitedly. All of the young 4- 5 year old girls squeeled. Me and Mandy waited silently for the moment of truth when our disk was found in the TV. Kelly slowly tried to put the Peppa Pig disk in but it wouldn't go in because of ours.
"Hmm. That's strange! Who's put a disk in without asking?" She said confused. Mandy sat stock still, her face going red. She looked at me with terrorised eyes. I couldn't bare to see her upset. Kelly was about to take the disk out- Mandy's horror disk!

Finally, the CD was revealed and Kelly started at it in horror.
"Who... What?!" She shouted. The movie was rated 15. We shouldn't have had it in the first place. Kelly went bright red with anger and yelled at us all.
"Tell me who owns this! Now!" She boomed. "Tell me or you'll all get punished!!"
Mandy was crying under her sleeve. She'd been through a lot. She was obviously dreading a harsh punishment. I would be.
"Arghhhhh! Do you really want to suffer the punishment?!" Kelly carried on loudly. I put a protective arm around Mandy while she sucked up the courage to confess to Kelly.

But that wasn't nesesary because I spoke up instead!
"I did it!" I said suddenly. Mandy gasped at me dumbfounded. I winked at her. Kelly is lovely and everything, but when she got mad, she got MAD!
"Did you let Lila watch it as well?!" Kelly demanded. Mandy looked down.
"I... I did," she stuttered. Kelly gasped at her in utter outrage.
"What was the age rating?" She demanded. She looked at the disk and found out. A look of total disgust and astonishment took over her face.
"You... You let Lila watch a 15 rated horror?! What....." A moment of silence came while she took it all in and then, "ARE YOU CRAZY???!!! SHE IS FOUR YEARS OLD YOU ?!£%# IDIOTS!"

That night was a night me and Mandy never forgot. Kelly almost blasted the roof off the orphanage from her anger. Most of the other orphans (including Lila) actually went up to hide in there rooms! Kelly was not going to forget it any time soon either. She had a punishment in mind. A stupid mean one.

I don't see what the big deal was with it anyway. So what Lila saw some pretty scary, correction: terrifying, horror. But I'm sure that other people who showed stuff like that to young kids got away with it better than me and Mandy did. I got more punished because I said that it was me, but Mandy's was still tough. Then she gave us our final 'punishment'.
"Classic orphanage punishment- I'll lock you two into a cupboard!!" Kelly told us. Mandy almost laughed. I sniggered behind my hand.
"But that's like, what they did in Annie or despicable me!" I said. What a stupid, stupid punishment!
"This is no laughing matter! Stop giggling Mandy! I'm letting you off nice. Anyway, never ever EVER let ANYBODY young as Lila watch movies like that again, understand?" Warned Kelly. We both nodded.
"I'll put you in the same cupboard together! So you can keep each other company. See I'm still nice!" Carried on Kelly.

It was rather hilarious letting her push us into the cupboard and then hearing her lock it behind us. It was a big double door cupboard. More of a store room. There was mops and buckets lying around the place and the faint smell of antibacterial hand spray. Mandy slid down to the floor and I sat down next to her. She peeped at me with her beautiful blue eyes. She was still see-able even in the dark; she shined just like a star to me. I was going to put my arm back around her, but something stopped me. I didn't have to. Mandy cuddled her head against me and said, "thanks for taking the blame."
"Sure. Anytime," I replied. I liked her warm body near mine.
"You didn't have to do it though!" She said back softly.
"I'd do anything you wanted me to do," I said shyly. She smiled a slow and attractive smile.
"I love how you make me blush!" Sweetly came her voice.

Suddenly, I stroked her hair not realising it. So soft! So luxurious and blonde! Mandy felt it and cuddled up closer to my body. I loved her warmth. She was such a lovely girl. I was dreading going back to school. It meant seeing less of Mandy! She is 16 and I'm only like, 3 months older than her. I was so close to telling her the thing I couldn't say. But I didn't. No, not yet.

Wild LifeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon