Back to school after a nice weekend

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Mandy's pov.
Yesterday was amazing. Apart from Kelly's shouting. Things are starting to go better for me since I got a good relationship with Sam. Maybe life's not so bad after all! We aren't girlfriend and boyfriend yet though. Sadly, the weekend is over and now I have to go through another while week of torture at school.
I walked to school with Sam and he entertained me the whole way there. He's so shy and charming it's so cute! But when we got to school, we had to part and go to different classes. He's cleverer than me so he's in the high classes. I'm in all the low ones.

Of course, people try and tell me that I'm stupid because of it and use it as another way to bully me. Once I plucked up the courage to ask one of them why they were in the same group as me if I was so stupid, but as you can probably guess that failed.
The first lesson was maths, then science, then break. I worked my way through them all tiredly hour after our and finally, I went out to break. I'd left my crutches at the orphanage to practice walking normally again so thankfully no one could jeer about that anymore.

There were people crowding around my locker when I got to it, so you could understand why I was suspicious. None of them ran away when I got there. They were all curious to see my reaction. On my locker was a ripped piece of paper with some tidy writing in red pen saying:
Hi Mandy. Want to sit with me today at lunch? I sent you the note because I hardly see you at school. I'll be on table 6 in the canteen if you do want to sit with me -
Sam 😊

I took off the note from my locker and tried not to blush too profusely. It was really hard to not seem too happy, but I couldn't hide it despite the stares of the other kids.
"So someone's finally got herself a friend! It's about time!" Said a girl called May loudly. I ignored her and got my next lessons books from my locker.
"Listen to me!" She shouted, grabbing my hood and pulling me back.
"Why do you hate me so much? Why does everyone hate me! What have I done!?" I shouted back equally annoyed. I was fed up of all these stupid kids!
"Excuse me?!" She said taken aback.
"I said, why do you and everybody else hate me so much! What have I done to you guys??!!" I shouted again.
Her friends all folded their arms and stepped forward. It was all totally cliché.
"Don't talk to me like that !?£%#!" She sassed. I folded my arms to add extra drama.
"Oh sorry. I just did! Can't I get my own back after you talking rudely to me my whole life?!" I sassed back. She went red and shoved my shoulder. I was not falling this time though!
"Hey! Get off me! And get out of my way as well!" I pushed her back. Her friends all covered their mouths and gasped. May was furious. She just couldn't take the humiliation of Mandy Kale winning an argument. But I wasn't going to stand down either.

The argument was getting heated. It carried on the whole of break time! She was calling me all sorts if rude swear words and I was firing back insults of all kinds. After at least an hour of shouting, a teacher came to break it up.
"Stop it you two! Mandy! May! I did not expect this kind of behaviour. Say sorry both of you!" Scolded Miss Diebold. May gave me a dirty look and then said a fake sorry. I faked a sorry too and then the teacher left, satisfied with her 'sorted problem'.

"This isn't over you brat!" May snarled when the teacher had gone back to her classroom. I shot her a rude look and then left for my next class. I was actually quite pleased with myself for sticking up for myself! But I was also a bit shaken from the fire of it all.

After the next two lessons...

I did actually go to table 6 at lunch. Sam wasn't there and I started to worry a bit. What if it was just a joke? Or a dare! What if he'd decided to not come at all?! But after time had finished making fun of me, Sam came. He sat down and opened his lunch box.
"Hi!" I said sticking a crisp in my mouth.
"Hey," he said back.
"Sooo... Thanks for coming to sit with me!" I said trying to think of conversation.
"Sure anytime!" He replied. There was a moment of awkward silence. He wasn't saying anything! Only like, one word answers.
"So Mandy, um... I was wondering if you wanted to come and sit with me at lunch more often... Does that sound good?" He asked. He was looking at me through his soft brown eyes under his cute brown hair style.
"Great!" I said happily. A step further in the relationship! I wonder if last night meant anything to him, or the movie. If he still remembered the nice feeling of being in the cupboard together. Maybe he didn't care anything about it though.
"Last night was nice!" He said answering the question to my thoughts.
"Yeah!" I laughed. (I jump up and down screaming in my head)
"Hey isn't it your birthday in two days?" He asked suddenly. I remembered as soon as he said it.
"Oh... Yeah it is! I actually forgot!" I giggled and he laughed.
"I'm going to get you a present!" I said determinedly. I raised my eyebrows.
"You don't have to..."
"No I will! How many presents do you normally get?" He asked. I looked down at my mash potato. Prodding it with my fork, I answered "oh none normally!" As if that was ok.
He smiled.
"Well then I'll get you a nice one to make up for the other times!"
I blushed.
He then changed the subject.
"So what do you want to do when you're older?" He asked.
"Um... I don't know! I think I want to be an actress or something like that," i responded.
"Cool! You'd be great at that I think!" Encouraged Sam.
"Have you ever wanted to be adopted?" I said thoughtfully.
"Um... Kind of," he replied.
"It's always been my lifelong dream to be adopted, but I know it will never happen!" I carried on. Sam carried on eating his sandwich. I don't think he did.
"So.... We're lessons good?" I asked. What a stupid thing to say! Stupid me!
"No not really!"he answered laughing. I grinned.
" I enjoy being with you Mandy. It's a shame we hardly see each other at school! " he observed.
"Yeah!" I agreed.

But then the bell rang ruining our conversation. He slowly got up and sighed.
"Well I better go now! My teacher's really strict," he moaned. I nodded. Then he left.

It was a nice talk though I suppose.

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