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Mandy's Pov.
After the incident at the hospital, I got my crutches and was forced into school. It was like I'd expected. People teased and laughed. I couldn't think of any comebacks at the time.
Someone actually tripped up my crutches so I fell on my face. Sam happened to be there at the time and was really angry. He even pushed the boy over and he fell in the bin (not Sam the boy)! Then he helped me up and gave me a cute smile. For the flick of a moment, I felt a strange feeling inside me. I'm not sure what it was. But it was a really nice feeling that made me feel happy. Hmmm...

Anyway, the second next thing that happened was that someone stupid decided to throw a pie at the back of my head. I was like, seriously?! It got all stuck in my hair and I couldn't get it out when I went to the bathroom. Again, Sam stood up to me and yelled at the boy. The boy backed away with his hands in surrender. Then Sam nodded at me in a kind of gentleman polite way. I think that maybe my time on crutches won't be so hard with him around!:-).

My earlier statement was incorrect. The teacher gave me detention for having super messy  hair. I tried to tell him what happened with the pie, but he decided to be annoying and stick to his own opinion: that I'm just a loser who needs to stand up to myself. Believe me! I've tried to before! And what happened when I did? I was punished for it and the kids who were actually in the wrong didn't get punished. After that I just gave up defending myself and ended up becoming weak.

During the time I was in detention, some rather unfortunate things happened. First of all, Sam wasn't there to defend me so the rest of the detention kids took advantage of it. One girl moved my chair when I was about to sit down. Another girl scrumpled up my work when I'd almost finished so I had to start all over again. This annoying boy stuck some gum to my back with a sign attached saying "I'm a retard and an ugly *?;!#&!"
As soon as I saw it, I ripped the sign off angrily and threw it in the bin. But that wasn't it. When I went to my locker someone had written in bright red lipstick on it, "open your locker! I dare you!"
I can't believe it, but I idiotically opened it. Out poured foam, cans, junk and a load of mouldy things like pizza slices. I was disgusted and longed for revenge on the person who did it. Not only had they made me stink and taken away the rest of my already very low self-esteem, but they'd also wretched all of my books!! I was absolutely furious.

But there was nothing I could do about it. Once I'd hobbled to the next class, I got another detention just for looking and smelling revolting! (I was covered in foam) This time an after school one! For some reason, the teacher thought that I deliberately covered myself in foam, and rolled around in gunk. I almost slapped that teachers face with my crutch! It makes me fume just to think of the injustice!

So that day was pretty rubbish (no pun intended). I had to struggle into the shower after my detention with my crutches. I suppose the only alright things about that day was Sam and Lila. Lila gave me a cute hug and said,"Mandy will you pwomise to take me with you when you get adopted? "

But I must gave a shaky laugh and replied, "I'm not going to get adopted any time soon Lila! But I'll take you anywhere else if you want to..."

And that was it for that day.

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