Sam's house

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Sam covered my eyes and lead me towards the front door gate.
"OK, now you can open them!"
I gazed in awe at the mansion before me. It was like some sort of luxury hotel thing. With huge glass windows and balcony's looking out onto the beautiful city view.
"Sam... This is amazing... I love you!" I said, my breath taken. Was Sam really letting me stay in this paradise home? After all this time? He really was the best boyfriend ever!
"Anything for you! Like I said ages ago in the orphanage..." He said giving me a huge hug,"now let me show you around!"

I was almost afraid to walk into his house for fear I would make the spotless for dirty. After all, I was covered in muck from sleeping all night in the park and climbing up that chimney. Not to mention I only had one change of clothes.
I slowly wandered through the wondrous glass windowed rooms, trying not to touch everything in there. I almost thought I was dreaming, and that escaping and finding Sam was all just a taunting dream, and I would wake up being in the attic. Back at that horrible house.
I shook that thought away though, because I was generally scared of it.

He took me out into his garden, which was a small bit of perfect green grass and lots of clean, white patio. There was even a big pool! Sparkling in the sunlight and reflecting me and Sam's image, as I took a closer look with him.
Then we ventured further into his paradise garden and he showed me the new office (which was more like a big bedroom with loads of computers in it), and finally the shed.
"Sam is this the shed?!" I cried.
"Yup. I told you it's big!" He said laughing and trying to hug me while opening the door to it. The "shed" was actually really big. Way way bigger than my bedroom back at the other house. The walls were covered with wooden pattern wallpaper and the floor was still covered in nice newish wood floor panels.
"Wow Sam.... This is so.... Modern!" I exclaimed.
"Yeah.... It's actually really new but my parents like to get the very newest stuff so they got a new garden office instead. This place was going to get knocked down, but I said that I wanted it to do quiet time stuff in!" He chuckled, "I was actually really saving it for someone to secretly come, IE: you. I really wanted you to come back, so every night I pretended you were in here and I told my parents that I was just going to 'relax' in here. Then I would just sit here and dream of you. Maybe I shouldn't have said all that..." He said shyly, rubbing his neck.
"Aw that's so sweet! I often dreamed of you saving me from my old house... And you did... I'm here with the boy of my dreams!" I said and we kissed again,a long kiss.
"I really can't go without you again, you have to stay!" Said Sam passionately.
"I will whether you like it or not!" I joked. But I did mean it. I was never going to leave Sam again. Ever.
I've already been through that torture.

Sam had to leave me a few hours later because his parents were back and I was here secretly. We didn't want me to get found and kicked out by his parents.
So I got left in the old (or should I say new) shed.
I even got a few hours sleep.

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