Clothes shopping

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Sam was the one to wake me up in the morning. He rushed in excitedly to get a cuddle and then told me that his parents were out.
"I've got a great idea!" He said, "how about we go into town and go clothes shopping for you!?"
"Awesome!" I agreed.
"Oh, and by the way, are you coming to school with me?" He asked.
"Of course! I want to spend every last second with you!" I said enthusiastically.
"Yay!" He said slightly childishly. But he's Sam, so he's adorable.

He took me into town with his own car which was also new.
"How are your parents so rich?" I asked.
"My dad's just a big businessman and my mum sells properties. So they get lots of money. Our house was actually a hotel which they bought..." He said remembering.
"Wow!" I said admiringly.
"Yeah it is quite cool..." He said modest enough.
"So..... I haven't been in town for so long! Actually not since in the orphanage!" I said thinking of a new subject.
"The last time I went was actually only last Saturday. My parents wanted me to come with them to some posh restaurant. It was nice food but boring!" He complained.
"Are you turning into a snob already?" I joked.
"Hey." He said offended.
"I was joking. I would find it boring going to a restaurant with Mr and Mrs Shamrock!" I said to calm him.
I would not call my those horrible people who put me through all that hardship my parents. They can merely be Mr and Mrs Shamrock. Or just the Shamrocks. And Daniel.

We arrived in town and Sam parked in a small space left.
We walked through the town park hand-in-hand and then I directed him to my favourite clothes shop.
It was called Casual.
I liked the shop because it was just casual, but it also had nice dressy kind of clothes and the moderner clothes as well as just normal clothes.
I browsed the rails, and Sam stood in the corner of the shop looking bored.
I think he was being really nice to meet me come here and shop, because his last shopping experience didn't go so well...
He had told me all about when he shopped for my birthday present.

I found quite a few dresses, tops, shorts and trousers, and I went to find Sam again.
"Do you mind if I get all of this?" I asked sheepishly, showing him my arms full of clothes. He just smiled his usual charming smile and said, "not at all, I'll buy it all for you!"
So we went to the till and then stuffed it all into a big bag that they gave to us. I kissed Sam thank you.

"Um... I just remembered Sam," I reminded him while walking further into town, "I kind of need more pants and socks... And bras..."
"Oh yeah..." He said. We walked into the nearest shop and I went straight to the women's section to pick out a big pack of pants. Then socks. And finally I got a few bras.
All the time I was doing this, Sam was standing awkwardly at the entrance of the shop, but quite knowing what to do. Poor Sam. He's so cute.

I directed him to the till and we left that shop hastily.
I finally had all of the things I lost at the Shamrocks house.
"I love you so much Sam!" I thanked him.
"I love you so so much too!" He replied smiling.
"I don't know how I'll pay you back!" I carried on.
"You don't have to!" He said generously.
"I'll try to..." I said feeling a bit bad.
After that, we went into a shoe shop and I got a few pairs of shoes.

We left town after having lunch together in a quaint little café.

So overall that shopping trip was successful. Sam is the best thing that ever happened to me in my whole life! He even got me shoes!

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2016 ⏰

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