Out of there

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At bed time (which was at like 12pm because I had to serve mum and dad food and drinks the whole time while they watched TV) I was restless considering the hour of the night. No sleep. I just kept staring at this box in the attic. For some reason, I thought it had something in it which would save my life. But I knew that it was my imagination.

The night was getting later, and darker. I couldn't keep my eyes off that box. It was driving me crazy. Eventually, I got up and opened it, looking with the old lantern light. My eyes met a dust covered tool box with a label on saying, "fixing the chimney". In it I found a hammer, a spanner and some other tools. Suddenly my brain switched on and my possibilities all became obvious. The chimney! It wasn't possible before because from the bottom of the house, it is way too far up. The chimney reaches right up above the roof, so I could climb out at the top! As soon as possible, I found a rope and grabbed the bag with all the stuff in it. Then I started hammering away at the bricks, smashing as hard as I could to break away the bricks. I had to be quick though! The noise would of course bring up my parents! BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM!!!! I
A few bricks came off and I started to hear footsteps. I had to stop them coming in! I threw ask the bricks that has come off and threw them on top of the hatch so no one could get in. Speedily I then tried to tie the spanner to the end of my rope as fast as I could and threw it up the chimney desperately hoping it would catch something at the top. It did! In the last dreadful minute, I squeezed myself through the whole I'd made and pulled myself up the rope, using every muscle in me until I ached. I made it out of the top and tried not to slide off the roof. It was pouring it with rain so I put on the old coat.

I felt like a spy ninja running across the roofs of all those houses! Far from my house I ran, only trying to not have heart attacks every time I slipped a bit. I wasn't quite sure what I'd do to get down from the roofs. I still had the rope, so I could tie it onto one of the house chimney pipes that stick out. That's what I did. I tied the rope around a pipe and lowered myself down. My legs shaken and weak, I then somehow got the rope back by lifting it up and tugging and put it into my bag.

Then I ran, and ran, and ran. The furthest I'd ever run in my entire life! The soles of my shoes were being worn thin. I recognised the road too! If I carried on down the road then I could reach the orphanage, and even then the school! I entered the park which me and Sam kissed in, and went to find the tree in which it happened. Once I'd sat down, I instantly fell fast asleep smelling the sweet blossom and breathing heavily from having run so fast. I was on the run from my 'parents' and that crazy boy Daniel. I was homeless. There was no way I was going back to that house. I couldn't go back to the orphanage, they'd send me back "home". All of these thoughts were running around my head as fast as I ran from that horrible house.

I woke up in the morning with a head ache, feeling very dirty. I had no other clothes because they were destroyed and so was all of my other stuff. The only things I had was the old dusty things in the old brown bag. My blue dress would have to do I suppose.

Blossom fell all around me. The scene was magical. What made it even more magical was what I saw coming towards me...

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