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🎂🎂🎉Mandy's Pov.🎉🎂🎂
It's my birthday today! I had a small lie in even though it was still school. My birthday's on Wednesday. I walked to school with Sam and I actually bothered putting a bit more make up on than usual. I straightened my hair. I wore a nice dress. I was feeling good being 17!! Sam was 17 three months ago so I missed giving him a present on his birthday. But he didn't seem to mind that because he was entertaining me all the way to school. I worked through my lessons in quite a good mood. At lunch I sat with Sam. It was a good day at school with minimal teasing and good spirit. Just what I wanted!

After school, I walked back home with Sam and then we both told Kelly we were going to the park. She let us and said we could stay as long as we wanted because it was my birthday. So off we went.

The park was almost empty when we got there. I sat down on a swing while Sam gave me a present wrapped up in shiny purple wrapping paper and a card.
"Hmm which one should I open first! The card or the present?" I said. He smiled.
"Whichever, birthday girl!"
I decided to open the present first. As I opened the wrapping paper, I found out that it was a jewellery box. From Geraté!
Inside the box was a cute silver necklace with a heart locket on the end. I clicked the tiny button and the top of the heart opened to show a clock.
"Aw... I love it Sam! Thank you!" I exclaimed.
"Happy birthday Mandy!" He said giving me a hug. Then he helped me fasten the necklace onto my neck. I loved it. And I... I love him too.

Next to open was the card. I took it out of the envelope and admired the cover. Then I flipped it open.
In neat handwriting was written,
Roses are red
Violets are blue
But none of the flowers are as pretty as you!
Will you be my girlfriend Mandy?
Happy birthday!
PS: I made half of that up myself. :-)

I gazed at Sam with a smile on my face, he was gazing back at me.
"I would love to be," I whispered.
"I love you Mandy!"
"I love you too."

After walking around the park together...

We stopped under a blossom tree which was covered in scent and pink blossom. The perfect romantic spot. The wind blew a calm breeze, just enough to ruffle the blossoms off of the tree. They blew onto me and Sam as we sat down under the blossom covered branches. I felt the happiest girl in the world at that moment.

I lay down on the grass and Sam lay next to me. It was a glorious next hour. He rolled up next to me and we just stayed there taking in the peace and loveliness. His strong tanned arms were around my waist and I had mine around his neck.
And then, he moved his head closer to mine until our eyes met. A heavenly gust of wind blew my hair around. Absolutely perfectly it happened; a kiss. My first kiss.

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