First day at a new school

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My parents were sending me to a random school I'd never heard of before; KingsEnd College. My parents didn't think it was acceptable to be going to a high school still. Daniel goes to KingsEnd as well. Poo. Not only was I meeting dragged from my previous school with Sam in, but now I had to be new girl all over again with Daniel there to bother me.

I walked to school alone wearing a white lace dress and a pink cardigan (outfit in picture above). I didn't regret my choice. Daniel was driving behind me after picking up a few other friends. In case I didn't say already, Daniel has a car. Not a really amazing one, but he uses it for his advantage by bragging about it. He was driving really slowly along the road behind me because he wanted me to get in.
"Her Mandy! Get in and I'll give you a ride to school!" He shouted across the street.
"No thanks." I replied stonily. I don't like Daniel. At all.

The whole way to school was bad because him and his friends kept getting in my nerves by shouting things to me across the road. I just wish I got in the stupid car in the end, because they got bored of me and zoomed off really fast laughing while the car fumes flew into my face making me cough.

When I got to school, everyone had a little group of friends that they were gossiping and laughing in. I walked past them all ignoring their giggles.
My outfit was nice, I don't see what they were laughing at.
In registration, my new teacher made me stand up and say my name to the class.
"Class! This is Mandy! Be nice. Say hi Mandy!" Said the teacher.
"Um, hi!" I said cringing at how stupid I looked standing there not knowing what to do with my arms so just waving them around. The girls at the back sniggered to each other and a few boys at the front has amused expressions on their faces. I stopped and stood there waiting for the teacher to tell me to sit down. But she was busy looking at her computer so she didn't.
I looked like a right idiot, standing at the front like some bent tree. All the class had their eyes on me and all of them were secretly laughing at me.
Finally, madam told me to sit in the spare seat in the middle.
I went and sat down feeling very awkward, and plonked my bag on the floor. A girl next to me gave me evil eye for no reason and the boy next to me put a note on my table.
When I opened it, it said:
" it looked like your arms were electrocuted."
I crumpled the note up and threw it in the floor. The girl next to me saw and quickly swiped the note and opened it. She laughed when she read it and then started passing it around the class. Each one of the kids read it and each one laughed and passed it on. I was powerless to stop them.

While the teacher did the register, people added extra things to the note. It eventually got back near me and I snatched it before anyone else could get to see it. The note was literally dressed in things written by the others.
After the boy next to me's comment, this is what was written (one person written after the other) :
"Yeah I agree.
She's a freak!
Hot though...
Who wrote that⬆
True she is.
I think she's totes ugly.
What r u gys saying. She's just gota bad frst impresion. Lev her alone.
Dude, spelling.
This has turned into some chat.
Who wonts 2 gang up on her.
Girl fight at break agreed.
U guys?!?!?
She's totes normal peeps.
No she's not.
She's so ugly.
I wont her bag.
Steal it then.
I will. She better watch out. "
I stared at this small class chat in horror. How has I already made some enemy's?! At least there was someone who stood up to me.

After class, a few people pushed me from behind and a few of them whispered something rude into my ear. My locker just so happened to me placed next to one of the most popular girls. I put some books into my locker and then closed it. A bunch of girls walked up and crowded around her locker, hogging my space.
"Excuse me, I need to lock up my locker." I said trying to squeeze last them.
"Sor-ry!" Said the girl all sassy. Then they all whispered something about me when I walked off again.

I walked to my next lesson and then came back to my locker at lunch.
There was something written in it in red lip stick and it said "this locker is contaminated by Mandy". I smudged off the lipstick and went to the cafeteria to eat. I guess I'm already the weirdo of the school now.


Wild LifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora