New beginnings

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Mandy's Pov.
I reluctantly packed my bags with Sam the next day while he moaned at me to not leave. I agreed with him but Kelly had a close eye on me while we were talking.
"Mandy I really really love you and I can't bare this," groaned Sam while I zipped up my final bag of belongings.
"I know, I know. Don't make me feel bad it wasn't my choice!" I said.
There was another hour of sad waiting before my new 'family' came to get me. Finally they did. Sam gave me one last hug and kiss and we promised write as well as call each other and all that stuff....
Then Mr and Mrs Shamrock icily stole me away.

In the car which the couple had a hard time getting Mandy into...

I sat there silently in the back seat clutching the necklace Sam gave me (Heart locket).
"Mandy we will not tolerate any nonsense like before!" Sternly warned Mr Shamrock.
"Yes Mr Shamrock..." I said meekly. I was too sad to argue back today.
"Call me Dad!" He said. I looked up.
"But... You're not my dad!" I faltered.
"Mandy!" He raised his voice.
"O-ok!" I said quietly. (Secretly I wanted to call him The Grim Reaper but we'll leave that bit out...).
"And you'll call me Mum too Mandy! No 'Mrs Shamrocks' for me!" She snapped at me. There was silence once again in their car. We turned a corner again and then I asked,
"Why did you adopt me in the first place?"
"Because.... Because...." My 'Dad' glanced at my Mum. She looked back. They both had a look in their eye saying, "what should we say?"
"Did you even want children?!" I asked.
"Um.... Yes!" Lied Mum. I glared at them both with my arms folded.
"By the way Mandy, you'll not be going to the same school as before!" Said dad quickly changing the subject.
"WHAT?!" I yelled. No... This couldn't be... Just as things are going well at school... Noooo!!!! It was like my whole world was going to be turned upside down again.
I wouldn't see Sam. I'd have to start all over again at a new school. I'd be new all over again. It would be worse than before.
Nothing more was said on the way home until the end of the journey.
"This is our house!" Said 'dad'. As if he was telling me that him and his wife wanted me to keep out of their way and stay in my room until needed. They parked on a messy drive way and got out. They didn't help me bring in my bags, just left me to haul them in.

Inside their house was small and colourless. Greyish walls and an itchy carpet in every room. The rooms seemed to close in and be smaller then they should have been. As if the builders had stuffed extra bricks into the walls to make the rooms have less space. Dad gruffly showed me to my new room which was empty and tiny. The bed was not made. A coffee stain was on the floor. And also strewn across the floor was my bedding that I suppose I was supposed to do myself. I think it's normal to do your own bedding, but newly adopted kids should have it done for them when they first come right?! At least put it on their bed for them to do!
"Oh yeah, do your bedding. I left it there for you to do!" Said 'Mum' barging in and throwing my bags on the floor. Then she left and slammed the door. I sighed and slowly put the sheets on the bed and then the duvet cover on the duvet. My pillow was flat and stained and the pillow case was a faded blue color. My bedding was the same faded blue and it was itchy. I was starting to think my new parents deliberately gave me the smallest room with the worst bedding they could get. I nosed around their house and found that the lodgers' room was big and so was theirs. All of the rooms were bigger than mine, and they were all dull grey. Except Daniels. His room had nice bed covers and green tree wallpaper. He had new a new looking chest of drawers with a green tree lampshade on top which matched the hanging light and the wallpaper. It pretty much looked like my new parents treated him like their actual child. Just as I was looking around his room, Daniel walked in looking at his phone and bumped into me.
"Oh I wasn't doing anything... Just looking..." I mumbled, caught red handed.
"You like my room? Come in here more!" He said cheekily. I scowled at him and stormed out of his room. Then I sat and sulked on my own bed, checking my phone. Sam had sent me loads of texts. I read them all:
"Already missing u!"
"Wish u were with me!"
"For once I can't wait for school! Cos you'll be there!"
"I luv u"
"Don't forget me!"

I sent him one long text back telling him everything.
"Sam I love you more than ever. I miss you more than ever. We won't see each other again because my cruel parents are sending me to a different school. I wish I was in your arms. This house is terrible. My life has just turned to black and white. Literally. I LOVE YOU SO SO SO SO SO (×1,000,000) MUCH! 😢😢😢😢😢😍😍😍😍😍😶😶😶😩😩😩😣😰😲🙇🙇🙇🙇😫😫😫😫😭😭😭".

Then I started crying. It felt like the last thing I could say to him. I cried until someone uninvited came into my room.
" Why ya crying?" he said. It was Daniel. I picked up my head from my now wet pillow and peeped at him with red eyes.
"Why are you here?" I said back. He smirked.
"Just enjoying the views in here," he remarked slyly.
"What views. Outside the window is the neighbours wall. There is no view." I replied. He shook his head smiling.
"Never mind." He said. Awkward silence.
"Can you please go?!" I said irritated.
"Aw don't you want me here?" He teased.
"No! I didn't invite you in anyway!" I snapped.
"Alright honey!" He put up his hands, "I'll leave! See ya at breakfast!" Then he walked out and closed the door. I unpacked my stuff, all my clothes, my make up, my accessories and some other stuff like hairbrushes clocks and toys. But there was no where to put it. No wardrobe or draws. My room was literally just a bed. So for now, I neatly folded my clothes and placed them next to my bed. Then I put my other belongings on my bed.

I was called down to dinner by Mum (I'll can them mum and dad because it's quicker than Mr Shamrock and Mrs Shamrock). I walked down the narrow stairs and into the dull dining room. A rectangular table was set out with a white table cloth. An array of knives and forks were there with some cups and a jug. 'Mum' put my dinner in front of me and then everyone else sat down. I had to sit opposite Daniel and the whole time, he watched me eat. I hate it when people do that! Then after dinner I had to put the dishes in the dishwasher. I bent over to put them in and could see Danish still looking at me!! I shot him a glare and then went upstairs to reflect. I missed the noise from the other orphans at dinner at the orphanage. I missed Lila and our happy colourful room. I missed colour in general...
Most of all I missed Sam.

That might was sleepless and scary. My room looks like something from a horror movie in the dark. I'm not going to be able to near this new place, I can tell.

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