Bottled up opinions

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Sam's Pov.
I've always liked Mandy. I'm just too shy. She's pretty and caring. It's a real shame that everyone at school hates her. There's really nothing wrong with her. She is kind of into being alone. And she goes on about leaving her life to live somewhere quiet in the countryside. I hope she doesn't mean it. Because wherever she ends up being, I'll end up somewhere else from her. That would be really bad! In fact, I like Mandy is an understatement. I have a huge crush on her! I call myself lucky to live in the same orphanage with her.

The reason I don't participate in the 'games' we play is because most of them you have to talk about yourself and your feelings. My feelings are usually, "no one even knows I'm alive because I'm so quiet and secretive," or, "when I'm older, I want to live with Mandy!"

I never told her how I felt about her because I didn't want her to think I'm creepy. I don't mean it in a creepy way. Only in a loving way. I'm hungry for love. I don't think I've ever felt a disco if it in my entire life. I won't explain what happened to my family. Or what happened to me. It's too awful.
But I will explain how Mandy makes me feel happy when I'm around her. She just hides her emotions and helps out the rest of the kids in the orphanage. I'm not actually sure what she thinks of me, but I hope it's not bad. I might actually start taking to her more now after what happened yesterday. When she got beaten up. I can't believe what happened to her actually happened! If I'd have been there at the time I would have stood up to her. Not that that would have made a difference. But still.

Last night when she was in hospital, everyone in the orphanage asked where she was. All if those kids love her! They look up to her as their hero. It's terrible that she doesn't realise it. The most touching thing was that Lila cried and cried when she found out that Mandy wasn't going to be there. She had to sleep in Kelly's room and then when Kelly want listening, she told the rest of her 4 year old friends that she felt like "her happiness has been all suckered up!"

I hope Mandy gets better. I really do. And next time something bad happens to her,I will personally go and find the person responsible for it. And they will be sorry for ever making eye contact with her.

I don't mean to sound weird or anything though...

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