Chapter 2~Trouble in Paradise

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Chapter 2

Trouble in Paradise

Getting back to Ez's house was a doozy, when we first got there he had to carry me bridal style because I kept tripping over everything I stepped on. I scowled the whole way to his room because I hated getting my fat ass carried. When he finally put me down on his soft, king sized bed I groaned due to the pounding in the back of my head.

"Ezra, my head hurts really badly." I whined. He looked at me with a small frown as I look at him with a pout. "Can you kiss it to make it better?" He chuckles and leans in so his lips connect with my forehead in a lingering kiss to it. I smile widely as I feel tears forming in my eyes at his sweetness.

"What's wrong, Frankie?" He asked with concern laced in his tone.

"I'm just... I'm just so happy that I have you as a friend and your so kind to me and sweet. I don't even know why you.. why you do these things, when we're so different from.. from each other. I never met someone so humble and kind as you, Ezra." I sob, as I burry my face in his pillow, feeling my body shake.

"Oh, Frankie," I hear him say, "I didn't know you felt like this." I feel the bed dip as his hand runs down my back soothingly, easing my shaking a bit, silence creeping up on us for a few minutes. "I'll go get you some pain pills," he gets up and I hear the door close, him whispering, "It's probably just the vodka mix talking."

After a few seconds of laying down, I pull out a wedgie from my rear, then squirm because of the dress hugging everything. I get up and walk over to his dresser, pulling out on of his shirts, which was a black marvels shirt and one of his basketball shorts.

Walking to the bathroom and closing the door, I strip off the dress before taking a quick shower. After using a new towel I got from his bathroom closet to dry myself off, I slip on the clothes. I open the bathroom door with my hair in a high bun, with a few lingering strands sticking out, only to see Ez on the bed with two pills and a water bottle.

"Here you go," he says when I came over and sat beside him on the bed. He handed me the pills and then the water bottle. I took the pills and then laid down on his bed, pulling the covers over me and snugging into them.

"Thank you. Ezra." I said quietly.

"Mhm," I hear him say before the weight on the bed is lifted, causing me to turn around from my side position to see him walking to his couch.

I hesitate to speak out and ask him to lay with me, but then think against it, turning back around and drifting off to sleep. The next time I wake up I look on my phone to see its around 3 in the morning. My stomach rumbles loudly, causing me to hold my stomach as I get up from my position in the bed. I walk to the door so I can go downstairs to get a snack, but I hear a faint voice call my name.

"Frankie?" I turn around to see bed-headed Ezra, his eyes squinted. "Where are you going?"

"I'm kind of hungry." I say sheepishly.

He looks at me with narrowed eyes and a frown before saying, "Okay."

I walk out his room and go downstairs, my feet padding on the cool marble floors. When I reach the kitchen, I walk to the fridge and open it, revealing loads of food. I look through and end up getting the mayonnaise, some ham and turkey before closing it and piling the food on the island counter. I spot the bread and get two pieces before laying it all out on a paper towel.

When I realize I need a butter knife, I go over to the drawer and grab one, returning to the island afterwards. While I'm spreading the light mayo, I jump when I feel Ezra's strong arms wrap around my waist. "Ezra, don't scare me like that." I say, without looking at him. I lay my head on his chest and lean on him as I continue to make my sandwich.

I need to lean over so I can get my turkey, causing my butt to push up on his friend down there. I hear him grunt and I say, "Sorry, Ez." I go back to my original position, my head on his chest. I then pause when I feel his hips buckle, grinding his friend on my rear, making me feel how hard it is.

"Um, Ezra. What are you doing," I ask. He doesn't answer me, but when I feel lips press on the back of my neck and feel him grind harder, my heart rate picks up. "Ezra." I try to move, but he tightens his hold on me, moving one of his hands so they are close to my area, causing me to panic.

"Stop moving." I freeze, my blood running cold when the deep baritone voice grunts in my ear.

I feel him grip my hips, moving them to match his hip buckling, making me whimper out, "Please stop."

"Are you sure you want me to stop," he says with a husky amused voice as his thumb starts to rub my area.

"I'm sure she said stop." I heard another voice say, making me look to the entrance to see a loathing Ezra, eyes a very light grey, almost silver. "What did I tell you? Didn't I tell you to not fucking touch her?!" His voice rose as he strode over to us and yanked his dad back, pulling me into his arms.

"Aw, you could tell she wanted it." His dad chuckles and I'm not able to hold in the tears that were threatening to fall. I felt my body start to shake and I bit my lip to stop quivering.

"You asshole!" Ezra says, pouncing on his dad, making them both fall in the floor with Ezra delivering punches. His dad wasn't able to deliver any because he was too busy trying to block his face from the throws his boxer of a son.

"Ezra!" I cry out, seeing the amount of blood his father's losing, I shout his name again. Ezra gets up, blood coating his knuckles and a loathing glare at his father who just looks up at him with an evil smile.

"That's right, let a black bitch tell you what to do son." He laughs bitterly and Ezra kicks his dad in the stomach before turning around towards me, taking my hand firmly in his. He walks me all the way to his room, slamming the door behind him.

Taking me to the bed he sits down and pulling my hand so I sit on his lap. I can't look at him, knowing he has so much emotion in his eyes. "Please look at me, Frankie." I slowly look at him to see a guilt expression in his face and still angry grey eyes. "I'm so sorry I couldn't be there, I should've went downstairs with you. I had a feeling there was something wrong and I ignored it." His face is already red with anger as a vein pops out from his temple and his eyes then get a red color, a tear falling out. "I'm so sorry, Frankie. I'm so so sorry."

He buried his face in the crook of my neck, his shoulders shaking as his silky dark hair tickles my chin. I wrap my arms around his neck, hugging his head as I feel his tears on my shoulder. He tightens his wrapped arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

"You were there before... before he did anything... anything else Ezra. I just want to go to sleep now." I croak out. He moves so I could climb into the bed, my appetite lost. He looks down at me before stretching his arm out to run it along my arm, feeling my goosebumps. "Can you sleep with me?" I ask, looking up at him, he nods. Climbing under the covers with me he wraps an arm around my waist, pulling me to his chest. I lay my head by the crook of his neck, snuggling into him, also putting my hand on his smooth chest. I just noticed he was shirtless.

"I love you, Ezra." I say quietly, drawing with my finger on his chest.

"I love you too, so much." He kisses my forehead before pulling me closer. His warmth and steady breathing helped for me to fall back asleep.

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