Chapter 10~ Secrets

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***Flora image****

When I woke up, I had a quilt over my body and my head was laid on a pillow. I sat up quickly with my eyes squinting at the amount of light coming from the creme colored blinds in the living room. Then, once my nose starts to process the smell of bacon and eggs and my ears start to hear voices coming from the kitchen, I swing my feet off the couch and give my scalp an itch. I reel my hand back at how dry it sounds when I did that, then make a small note to wash it later today.

Putting it in a high puff with a ponytail holder on my wrist, I walk into the kitchen to see my mom and best friend conversing while my mom makes some eggs and bacon. I saw Ez making waffles with the waffle maker, then I scowl at him. He knows I like pancakes better than waffles.

"Hey baby," my mom greets me, causing both their eyes to snap to my lurking self looking in the kitchen. "How'd you sleep?"

"Morning my people," I yawn, walking into the kitchen with a small, lazy smile. My eyes were still a bit droopy but my stomach was growling like crazy for some food, like always. "And I slept well, how about you?"

"I slept good," she smiles, then points by Ezra, who was looking at me. "I put your pancakes inside the microwave since Ezra and I know you'll have a fit if you don't have your pancakes..."

"...even though we all know waffles are way better." He smiles at my mom and I watch them high five each other. Like fake mother, like fake son.

"Thank you, but your both lame for that." I smile and open the microwave to see three pancakes stacked neatly together.

We had breakfast that morning and we talked about nothing, but everything at the same time...if that makes since. We basically talked about random things, and joked around like how we used to do when we Ez and I were younger. Once we were done, Ezra had to go train at the gym asked if I wanted to come with him. I was about to say yes, but remembered I had to wash my hair today.

"Well," he said, "How about in about four hours I come back and pick you up then?"

"You would do that?" I ask, looking up at him with a smile.

"Of course, and make sure you wear some workout gear, cause your not sitting on the bleachers this time." He smiled when I pouted my lips. "Don't worry it's not that bad."

"That's easy for you to say," I cross my arms over my chest, "You've been working out since you came out the womb, the only time I worked out was in PE and that was in middle school and freshman year, and I skipped half the time!"

He chuckles, shaking his head.

After he mocks my pout, gives me a hug and a kiss on the temple, he leaves me to wash my hair.

I walk up the stairs and pulled out my biggest speaker out my closet before connecting my Bluetooth on my phone. You & Me ft. G Eazy by Marc E. Bassy blasts through my room and I smile at my current favorite song. I change favorite songs on a daily basis, for example, yesterday my favorite song was Love on the Brain by Rhianna.

Since my hair was extra dry, I decided to first shampoo, then deep condition it for an hour and a half, and then comb through the leave-in. My hair was naturally tightly coiled and shrunk often after drying. It wasn't easy making it the way it was, and I had to wash it almost every week to keep it that way or it end up in a scary, matted mess. After I was done with the full wash, my hair was bouncy and moisturized, falling on my shoulders so I ended up putting it in a ponytail.

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