Chapter 19~ Meet Robin

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I woke up with a gasp, and I noticed the ceiling fan above me moving too slow to circulate air throughout the dimly lit room. It was silent and I stiffened when a hand came up and wrapped itself around my waist. Was it just a dream? When I saw the mop of black locks, I almost thought it was Ezra, but with the stench of smoke and whiskey, I though otherwise. I moved the hair from the man's face to reveal a dangerously handsome man with a sharp shadow along his strong jawline. He had the longest, thick eyelashes I've ever seen on a man. I quickly tried to move from his hold, but the arm around me just tightened.

Definitely not a dream.

"You better stay your ass right here," his gruff voice growled, "or I swear I'll shoot you dead." My voice caught in my throat as he didn't open his eyes. "Now lay down and lets cuddle," he coos, and I complied by laying down with my face towards him, my body shaking in fear. He shushed me when I started to whimper, trying to stop myself from bursting into tears. Pulling me closer, I allow him to kiss my nose before he opens his almost black eyes. He studied me for a moment, before frowning darkly.

"I should kill those fuckers for scratching up your face," he said, and I flinched when he brung his hand up to my cheek, feeling the cuts from the glass. "They almost ruined it."

"W-who are y-y-you?" I whispered with a shaky voice because of my labored breaths.

"I'm Robin, love." He says and chuckled when my eyes widened. He moved a wild piece of hair from my face, and I notice it's not in it's two braids that I put it in after the pool. "You must be very confused right now, but you must also be hungry." He got up and his long lean frame loomed over the bed as he stretched. He looked down at me and held out his hand, and I allowed him to take my shaky one before he kissed it. "You shouldn't be scared of me, beautiful. I will never hurt you."

He pulled me out of the bed with the warm covers and I gasped when chilly air wrapped around me. I looked down to see I was only in my underwear, before I feel tears blur my vision and I start to cry. Did he rape me?? I didn't feel any pain, but I don't know.

"Please don't cry, love. I did nothing to you last night," he said, wrapping his arms around my frame, pulling me to his hairy chest. "I will wait. But let's go take a shower."

"What?!" I say cowering away from him with widen eyes.

"We must take a shower together," he says trying to take my hand, but I move away from him. His eyes darkened and he closed them momentarily before opening with a sigh, "I suggest you listen, Frankie, because you do not want to see papi mad." He said calmly, before trying to take my hand again, and I let him because I didn't want to find out what he'd be like mad. I'd play his stupid game, but if he tries to rape me I will kill him. I don't know where the hell I am, and I don't know if Ezra is alive or not, but I will do anything to survive until I'm able to find a way out of this.

He led me to the large, exquisite bathroom that had a black marble floors and countertops. There were stainless steel faucets and a large shower that turnt on with the water coming from the ceiling. I bit my quivering lip when the man, my kidnapper, Robin turned around after adjusting the temperature and smirked down at me with his incredibly tall frame. I squirmed in place when his dark eyes scanned my body with hunger and desire. A stray tear fell along my cheek, and quickly, he wiped it away.

"Please, can we just take separate showers?" I say lowly, looking up at him. He looked down at me, what seemed to be sincerely as he cupped my cheeks in his large hands, tilting my head up to look into his dark orbs.

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